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属天的奥秘 第1870节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1870. It is the same with the Lord's Word. The individual words in it create mental images of themselves, because a word is just a mental image given verbal form so that its meaning can be perceived. These images contain within them so very many elements incapable of coming to human consciousness (only to the consciousness of angels) that it is completely beyond belief. When the Lord lays them open, the forms inside them are presented in two ways: they are presented to the perception by sensations of pleasure and happiness, and they are presented to the eye by objects of paradise that hold a representative meaning. The former come from the heavenly and spiritual forces of the Lord's love, or mercy; the latter come from the light that his love and mercy radiate.
[2] I have been shown through amazing experiences that Sacred Scripture was inspired not only in its individual words but also in every tiny letter of each word. So it was literally inspired down to the smallest jot (as the idiom goes). Each jot contains a measure of emotion and vital energy, which affects the whole word it appears in and which therefore permeates the most minor details in a correspondential way. But in the absence of other background knowledge, these things cannot be explained at all intelligibly.

Potts(1905-1910) 1870

1870. The case is similar with the Word of the Lord; each of its words presents in form its own idea, for a word is nothing but an idea so presented in form that the sense may be perceived; and in the ideas are things so innumerable, and which cannot come to man's perception, but only to that of angels, that it can never be believed. And when these are opened by the Lord, more internal forms are presented to the perception by delightful and happy things, and to the sight by representative and paradisal things; the former from the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's love or mercy, and the latter from the rays of light thence derived. [2] It has been shown me by wonderful experience that the Word has been inspired not only as to each of its words, but also as to the little letters of each word, and thus exactly as is said, as to the smallest jot; for in every jot there is something from that affection and life which is common to the whole expression, and which therefore has been insinuated in a correspondent manner into its smallest particulars. But this can by no means be explained to the understanding without a previous knowledge of many other things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1870

1870. It is similar with the Word of the Lord. In every individual expression there visible form is given to an idea, for an expression is nothing but an idea existing in such a visible form so that the sense may be perceived; and each idea has details within it that are so numerous and which cannot enter into man's perception, only angels', that it cannot possibly be believed. And when these are opened up by the Lord, more interior forms present themselves to angels' perception through things that are delightful and happy, and to their sight through things that are representative and belonging to paradise - the former deriving from the celestial and spiritual things of the Lord's love or mercy, the latter from the rays of light flowing from that love or mercy. By means of wondrous experience I have been shown that the Word is inspired not only as to its individual expressions but also as to every individual letter of each expression, thus precisely as it is said, as to the smallest jot. Indeed every jot carries within it something from the affection and life which is common to the whole expression and so which has been instilled in a corresponding fashion into its smallest parts. But without a prior knowledge of many other matters this cannot by any means be explained intelligibly.

Latin(1748-1756) 1870

1870. Similiter se habet cum Verbo Domini; singulae voces ibi formant suas ideas, nam vox non est nisi formata sic idea ut percipiatur sensus, in quibus tam innumerabilia sunt quae non ad perceptionem hominis venire possunt, sed solum ad angelorum, ut nusquam credi possit; quae cum aperiuntur a Domino, sistuntur formae interiores perceptioni per jucunda et felicia, et visui per repraesentativa et paradisiaca, illa ex caelestibus et spiritualibus amoris seu misericordiae Domini, haec a radiis lucis inde. [2] Ostensum mihi est per mirabilem experientiam quod Verbum non solum quoad singulas voces sed etiam quoad singulas litterulas cujusvis vocis, ita prorsus sicut dicitur quoad minimam iotam, inspiratum sit; unicuivis enim iotae inest aliquid e affectione et vita, quae communis est vocis, ita singularissimis correspondente insinuata; sed haec absque praevia cognitione plurium ad intellectum nequicquam explicari possunt.

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