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属天的奥秘 第2418节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2418

2418. Stay not in all the plain. That this signifies that he should not linger in any of these doctrinal matters, is evident from the signification of a "plain," as being everything of a doctrinal nature, concerning which presently. How the case stands with his not lingering in any of these doctrinal matters shall be stated at verse 26, where Lot's wife is treated of in that she looked back behind him. That in the Word a "plain" signifies all things of a doctrinal nature, is evident in Jeremiah:

He that layeth waste shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape, and the valley shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed (Jer. 48:8);

where "city" denotes false doctrine; and the "plain" all things that belong to that doctrine. In John:

When the thousand years are finished, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go forth to seduce the nations, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to war, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea; and they went up upon all the plain of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and fire came down from God out of heaven, and consumed them (Rev. 20:7-9);

where "Gog and Magog" denote those who are in external worship without internal, thus worship become idolatrous (n. 1151); the "plain of the earth," the doctrinal things of the church, which they lay waste; the "camp of the saints," the goods of love and of charity; their being "consumed by fire from God out of heaven" means the same as when this is said of the men of Sodom and Gomorrah, in verse 24. Again: the doctrinal things of charity are called the "cities of the mountain," and the doctrinal things of faith the "cities of the plain," in Jeremiah 33:13.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2418

2418. 'Do not halt in all the plain' means he was not to linger over any one of these. This is clear from the meaning of 'a plain' as every aspect of doctrine, dealt with immediately below. What not lingering over any one of them entails will be stated at verse 26, where Lot's wife is referred to as looking back behind him. That 'a plain' in the Word means all aspects of that doctrine is clear in Jeremiah,

He who lays waste will come to every city, and no city will escape; and the valley will perish, and the plain will be destroyed. Jer 48: 8.

'City' stands for false doctrinal teaching, 'the plain' for all aspects of that doctrine. In John,

When the thousand years have come to an end Satan will be loosed from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. They went up therefore over the whole plain of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints; but fire came down from God out of heaven and consumed them. Rev 20: 7-9.

Here 'Gog and Magog' stands for people whose worship was external devoid of internal and so had become idolatrous, 1151. 'The plain of the earth' stands for the Church's matters of doctrine which they lay waste, 'the camp of the saints' for goods that flow from love and charity. 'Consumed by fire from God out of heaven' is similar in meaning to that regarding the men of Sodom and Gomorrah, in verse 24. Also in Jeremiah 33: 13 matters of doctrine regarding charity are called 'cities of the mountain' and matters of doctrine regarding faith 'cities of the plain'.

Latin(1748-1756) 2418

2418. Quod `ne consistas in omni planitie' significet quod non in ullo eorum moraretur, constat a significatione `planitiei' quod sit omne doctrinalis, de qua mox: quomodo se habet quod non moraretur in ullo eorum, dicetur ad vers. 26, ubi de uxore Loti, quod respexerit post eum. Quod `planities' in Verbo significet omnia doctrinalis, constat apud Jeremiam, Veniet vastator ad omnem urbem, et urbs non evadet, et peribit vallis, et perdetur planities, xlviii 8;

`urbs' pro doctrinali falso, `planities' pro omnibus quae sunt istius doctrinalis: apud Johannem, Quando consummati {1} fuerint mille anni, solvetur Satanas e custodia sua, et exibit ad seducendum gentes [quae in quatuor angulis terrae', Gogum et Magogum, ut congreget eos in bellum, quorum numerus sicut arena maris; ascenderunt itaque super omnem planitiem terrae, et circumdederant castra sanctorum, sed descendit ignis a Deo e caelo, et consumpsit eos, Apoc. xx 7-9;

ubi `Gogus et Magogus' pro iis qui in cultu externo absque {2} interno, sic facto idololatrico, n. 1151; `planities terrae' pro Ecclesiae doctrinalibus quae illi vastant {3}, `castra sanctorum' pro bonis (o)amoris et charitatis; `consumpti igne a Deo e caelo' similiter se habet ac cum viris `Sodomae et Amorae,' vers. 24: praeterea doctrinalia charitatis vocantur `urbes montis,' et doctrinalia fidei `urbes planitiei,' apud Jeremiam xxxiii 13. @1 consumti I.$ @2 separato ab.$ @3 vastabunt.$

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