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属天的奥秘 第2421节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2421

2421. Verses 18, 19. And Lot said unto them, Nay I pray my lords. Behold I pray thy servant hath found grace in thine eyes, and thou hast made thy mercy great which thou hast done with me to make alive my soul; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest peradventure evil cleave to me, and I die. "Lot said unto them, Nay I pray my lords," signifies weakness, so that he could not; "Behold I pray thy servant hath found grace in thine eyes," signifies humiliation from the affection of truth; "thou hast made thy mercy great," signifies a semblance of humiliation from the affection of good; "which thou hast done with me to make alive my soul," signifies on account of His desiring to save him; "and I cannot escape to the mountain," signifies doubt as to his being able to have the good of charity; "lest peradventure evil cleave to me, and I die," signifies that then it could not but come to pass that he would be at the same time in evil, and thereby would be condemned.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2421

2421. Verses 18, 19 And Lot said to them, Not so, my Lords. Behold now, your servant has found grace in your eyes, and you have magnified your mercy which you have shown to me in causing my soul to live. But I shall not be able to escape into the mountain in case the evil clings to me and I die.

'Lot said to them, Not so, my Lords' means weakness in that he could not do so. 'Behold now, your servant has found grace in your eyes' means a state of humility resulting from the affection for truth. 'You have magnified your mercy' means a likeness of a state of humility resulting from the affection for good. 'Which you have shown to me in causing my soul to live' means because of His desire to save him. 'But I shall not be able to escape into the mountain' means doubt as to whether he would be able to possess good that flows from charity. 'In case the evil clings to me and I die' means it would inevitably result in evil existing with him at the same time and that this being so he would be condemned.

Latin(1748-1756) 2421

2421. Vers. 18, 19. Et dixit Lot ad eos, Ne quaeso Domini mei Ecce quaeso invenit servus tuus gratiam in oculis tuis, et magnam fecisti misericordiam tuam, quam fecisti mecum ad vivificandum animam meam; et ego non potero eripere me in montem, ne forte adhaereat mihi malum, et moriar. `Dixit Lot ad eos, Ne quaeso Domini mei' significat imbecillitatem quod non posset: `ecce quaeso invenit servus tuus gratiam in oculis tuis' significat humiliationem ex affectione veri `magnam fecisti misericordiam tuam' significat humiliationis instar ex affectione boni: `quam fecisti mecum ad vivificandum animam meam' significat pro eo quod vellet salvare eum: `et ego non potest eripere me in montem' significat dubitationem quod non posse habere bonum charitatis: `ne forte adhaereat mihi malum, et moriar' significat tunc non aliter fieri posset quam quod simul ex {1} malo, et si damnaretur. @1 2426 has in.$

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