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属天的奥秘 第2678节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2678

2678. And sent her away. That this signifies that He left it in what is their own, is evident from the signification of "sending away," when done by Abraham, who represents the Lord; and also from the first state of those who are being reformed and are becoming spiritual. Their first state is that they suppose they do good and think truth from themselves, thus from what is their own, nor do they then know otherwise; and when told that all good and truth are from the Lord they do not indeed reject it, but do not acknowledge it at heart, because they do not feel it, nor interiorly perceive that anything flows in from any other source than themselves. As all who are being reformed are in such a state at first, they are therefore left by the Lord in what is their own; nevertheless they are led by means of this without knowing it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2678

2678. 'He sent her away' means that He left the exterior man immersed in the proprium. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'being sent away' when this is done by Abraham, who represents the Lord; and also from the first state of those who are being reformed and becoming spiritual. Their first state is a state when they imagine that they do what is good and think what is true of themselves, thus from what is properly their own. Nor during this state do they know anything different. And when they are told that everything good and everything true originates in the Lord, they do not, it is true, reject the idea; yet they do not in their hearts accept it because they do not feel or inwardly perceive that anything flows in from any other source than themselves. Such being the state at first of all who are being reformed, the Lord therefore leaves them immersed in the proprium. Nevertheless without their knowing it they are led by means of their proprium.

Latin(1748-1756) 2678

2678. Quod `emisit illam' significet quod in proprio relinqueret, constare potest a significatione `emitti' cum hoc ab Abrahamo, per quem repraesentatur Dominus; tum a statu eorum primo qui reformantur et spirituales fiunt; status eorum primus est quod putent se bonum agere et verum cogitare ex semet, ita ex proprio, tunc nec aliter sciunt; ac cum iis dicitur quod omne bonum et omne verum a Domino, id quidem non rejiciunt sed non corde agnoscunt, quia non sentiunt nec interius percipiunt quod aliquid `aliunde influat' quam a semet; quia in tali statu omnes sunt primum qui reformantur, ideo a Domino relinquuntur in proprio, sed usque, iis nescientibus, per proprium suum ducuntur.

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