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属天的奥秘 第2755节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2755

2755. The hells of adulterers are many. There they love nothing more than filth and excrement, in which they now find delight. This may also be evident from many of that sort in the life of the body, to whom it is delightful to think and talk of filthy things, abstaining only for decorum's sake. The delight of adultery is turned into such things in the other life. It is as when the heat of the sun, even that of spring, flows into excrement or into carrion.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2755

2755. The hells of adulterers are many. There they love nothing more than filth and excrement; for these are now the things which give them delight. This may also become clear from many of that sort while living in the body, for whom both thinking and making references to filthy things is delightful, but who refrain from doing so merely for the sake of decency. The delight of adultery is in the next life turned into such filth and excrement. It is like the warmth of the sun, even that of springtime, when that warmth flows into excrement or into a dead body.

Latin(1748-1756) 2755

2755. Inferna adulterorum plura sunt, ibi nihil plus amant quam sordes et excrementa, haec iis tunc jucunda; quod etiam constare potest (c)a pluribus istius sortis in vita corporis, quibus delectabile est sordida et cogitare et memorare, sed abstinent modo propter decorum: jucundum adulterii in altera vita vertitur in talia; se habet hoc, sicut dum calor solis, etiam vernalis, influit in excrementum seu {1} in cadaver. @1 vel.$

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