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属天的奥秘 第2758节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2758

2758. That genuine conjugial love is heaven, is represented in the kingdoms of nature; for there is nothing in all nature that does not in some way represent the Lord's kingdom in general, since the natural kingdom derives all its origin from the spiritual. What is without an origin prior to itself is nothing. Nothing exists that is unconnected with a cause, and thus with an end. What is unconnected falls away in a moment, and becomes nothing; from this then are the representatives of the Lord's kingdom in the kingdoms of nature. That conjugial love is heaven, is manifest from the transformation of little worms into nymphs and chrysalides, and thus into winged insects; for when their time of nuptials comes-which is when they put off their earthly form, or their worm-like form, and are embellished with wings and become flying creatures-they are then elevated into the air, which is their heaven; and there they sport with each other, perform their marriage rites, lay eggs, and nourish themselves on the juices of flowers. They are then also in their beauty; for they have wings decorated with golden, silver, and other elegantly marked colors. Such things does the marriage principle produce among such vile little worms.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2758

2758. The truth that genuine conjugial love is heaven is represented in the kingdoms of nature, for nothing exists in the whole natural order which is not in some way representative of the Lord's kingdom in general, since the natural kingdom has its entire origin in the spiritual kingdom. That which is without an origin prior to itself is nothing, for nothing exists without connection from a cause and so from an end. That which is without such connection collapses in an instant and ceases to be anything. This then explains where the representatives of the Lord's kingdom within the kingdoms of nature have their origin. The truth that conjugial love is heaven is evident from the metamorphosis of caterpillars into pupae or chrysalises and then into creatures that fly. For when the time arrives for them to be wedded - which is when they shed their earthly form, or their caterpillar state - they are adorned with wings and become creatures that fly, at which point they are raised up into the air, which is their heaven. In the air they play together, make marriages, lay eggs, and are nourished by the juices from flowers. At that time also they exist in their beauty, for their wings are tinged with gold, silver, and other lovely shades. Such things as these are what the inclination to pair off in marriage produces among such insignificant and tiny creatures.

Latin(1748-1756) 2758

2758. {1} Quod genuinus amor conjugialis sit caelum, repraesentatur regnis naturae, nam nihil in universa natura datur quod non aliquo modo repraesentat regnum Domini in communi, naturale enim omnem suam originem e regno spirituali ducit {2}; quod absque origine se priore est, est nihil, non datur aliquod inconnexum a causa, ita a fine, quod inconnexum dilabitur momento, et fit nihil; inde nunc repraesentativa regni Domini in regnis naturae: amor conjugialis quod caelum, ex transformatione vermiculorum in nymphas seu {3} chrysallides, et sic in volatilia, patet, cum enim tempus eorum nuptiarum venit, quod est cum exuunt formam terrestrem, quae est eorum vermicularis, insigniuntur alis, ac fiunt volatilia, tuae elevantur in atmosphaeram, suum caelum; ibi inter se ludunt, conjugia agunt, ponunt ova, et succis e floribus nutriuntur; in pulchritudine etiam sua tunc sunt, alas enim habent coloribus aureis, argenteis, aliisque venuste discretis, decoratas: talia producit conjugia apud tam vilia animalcula. @1 n. 2758 and 2759 were written and numbered in reverse order, but directions are inserted for their transposition.$ @2 habet.$ @3 et.$

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