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属天的奥秘 第302节


主叫他们瞎了眼,硬了心,免得他们眼睛看见,心里明白,回转过来, 我会医治他们。(约翰福音12:40)

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New Century Edition

[NCE]302. That is why the mysteries of faith were never revealed to the Jews, who were like this. So little was revealed to them that they were not even told plainly that they would live on after death{*1} or that the Lord was going to come into the world to save them. They were (as they continue to be) kept so deeply ignorant and oblivious that they had no idea (nor do they yet) that we have an inner being or that an inner plane even exists. If they had known it (and if they knew it now), to the point of acknowledging its truth, they are such that they would have profaned it, removing forever any hope of salvation in the next life.{*2} These are the things the Lord meant when he said in John:
He has blinded their eyes and closed off their heart to prevent them from seeing with their eyes and understanding at heart and turning and being healed by me. (John 12:40)
The Lord also spoke to them in parables without explaining a single one to them "so that seeing, they would not see, and hearing, they would not hear and understand," as he himself says in Matthew 13:13.
For the same reason, all religious mysteries were hidden away from them and veiled in the representative acts and objects of their religion. For the same reason again, that is what the Word's prophetic mode is like, too.
But it is one thing to know and another to acknowledge. When we know but do not acknowledge, it is as if we do not know. If we do acknowledge and then we blaspheme and profane, we are the people the Lord refers to.

{*1} Swedenborg may be thinking of passages such as Ecclesiastes 9:5: "The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing and have no reward any more, because their memory is forgotten." See also Psalms 146:4: "When they breathe their last, they will return to the ground; on that day their thoughts will perish." See also Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Isaiah 26:14; 53:12; Ezekiel 18:4. [RS, LHC, SS]
{*2} On Swedenborg's attitude toward Jews, see note 4 in 259 and the reader's guide, pages 51-55. [JSR]

Potts(1905-1910) 302

302. This is the reason why the mysteries of faith were never revealed to the Jews. They were not even plainly told that they were to live after death, nor that the Lord would come into the world to save them. So great were the ignorance and stupidity in which they were kept, and still are kept, that they did not and do not know of the existence of the internal man, or of anything internal, for if they had known of it, or if they now knew of it, so as to acknowledge it, such is their character that they would profane it, and there would be no hope of any salvation for them in the other life. This is what is meant by the Lord in John:

He hath blinded their eyes, and stopped up their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and convert themselves, and I should heal them (John 12:40). And by the Lord speaking to them in parables without explaining to them their meaning, lest (as He Himself says), Seeing they should see, and hearing they should hear, and should understand (Matt. 13:13).For the same reason all the mysteries of faith were hidden from them, and were concealed under the representatives of their church, and for the same reason the prophetic style is of the same character. It is however one thing to know, and another to acknowledge. He who knows and does not acknowledge, is as if he knew not; but it is he who acknowledges and afterwards blasphemes and profanes, that is meant by these words of the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 302

302. This was the reason why mysteries of faith were never revealed to the Jews. Being what they were they were not even explicitly told that they would live after death, nor explicitly told that the Lord would come into the world to save them. Indeed they were kept in such ignorance and stupidity, and are so still, that as a result they did not know and still do not know of the existence of the internal man, or of anything internal at all. For if they had known it then, or were to know it now, so as to acknowledge it, they would profane it and in so doing would have no hope at all of salvation in the next life. This is what the Lord meant in John,

He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and are converted and I heal them. John 12:40.

Also, the Lord spoke to them in parables, and without explaining any to them, 'lest seeing they might see, and hearing they might hear, and understand', as He declares in Matthew 13:13. For the same reason all mysteries of faith were concealed from them and hidden beneath the representatives of their Church, and it was for the same reason that the prophetical style took the form it did. It is one thing however to know and another to acknowledge. Anyone who knows but does not acknowledge is in the same position as one who does not know, whereas anyone who does acknowledge and after that speaks blasphemy and practises profanation is what the Lord was referring to.

Latin(1748-1756) 302

302. Haec causa fuit quod Judaeis quia tales, nusquam revelata fuerint mysteria fidei, usque adeo ut ne quidem aperte iis dictum quod viverent post mortem, nec aperte quod Dominus venturus in mundum ut salvaret eos; immo in tanta ignorantia et stupore detinebantur, et adhuc detinentur, ut non sciverint, nec sciant, quod internus homo sit, aut quod quicquam internum detur; nam si scivissent, et scirent, usque ut agnoscerent, tales sunt ut profanarent, et sic iis nusquam spes alicujus salutis in altera vita: haec sunt quae intellecta sunt a Domino apud Johannem, Occaecavit eorum oculos, et obturavit eorum cor, ut non videant oculis, et intelligant corde, et convertant se, et sanem eos, xii 40;

et quod Dominus per parabolas cum iis locutus, nec iis ullam explicuit, 'ne videntes viderent, et audientes audirent, et intelligerent,' ut Ipse dicit apud Matthaeum xiii 13. Ob illam etiam causam omnia mysteria fidei iis abscondita et tecta fuerunt sub repraesentativis Ecclesiae eorum; et ob eandem causam talis est stilus propheticus: sed aliud est scire et aliud est agnoscere; qui scit et non agnoscit, is est tanquam non sciret; at qui agnoscit, et dein blasphemat et profanat, is est qui intellectus a Domino.

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