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属天的奥秘 第3129节


3129、“利百加有一个哥哥”表示属世人中的对良善的情感。这从“哥哥”和“妹妹”的含义清楚可知:在圣言中,“哥哥”是指对良善的情感,“妹妹”是指对真理的情感(参看367, 2360, 2508, 2524节)。因为和理性人一样,在属世人中,一切事物都像血亲和姻亲关系那样相互关联(参看2556, 2739节)。这就是为何无论理性心智还是属世心智,都被称为一个“家”,或家族(或宗族);父母、兄弟、姐妹、血亲和姻亲按次序存在于这个家,或家族(或宗族)中。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3129

3129. And Rebekah had a brother. That this signifies the affection of good in the natural man, is evident from the signification of a "brother" and a "sister" in the Word, namely, that a "brother" is the affection of good, and a "sister" is the affection of truth (see n. 367, 2360, 2508, 2524); for in the natural man, as in the rational, there are relationships by both blood and marriage of all the things therein (see n. 2556, 2739). And it also is from this that the mind, both the rational and the natural, is called a "house" (or family), where parents, brothers, sisters, kinsmen, and other relatives exist in order.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3129

3129. 'And Rebekah had a brother' means the affection for good in the natural man. This is clear from the meaning of 'a brother' and of 'a sister' in the Word - 'a brother' being the affection for good, and 'a sister' the affection for truth, dealt with in 367, 2360, 2508, 2524. For in the natural man, as in the rational, all things there are interrelated like blood relatives and relatives by marriage, 2556, 2739. For that reason also the rational mind as well as the natural mind is called a house or family where parents, brothers, sisters, blood relatives, and relatives by marriage exist in order.

Latin(1748-1756) 3129

3129. `Et Rebeccae frater': quod significet affectionem boni in naturali homine, constat a significatione `fratris et sororis' in Verbo, nempe quod `frater' sit affectio boni, et `soror' affectio veri, de quibus n. 367, 2360, 2508, 2524; sunt enim in naturali homine, sicut in rationali, omnium quae ibi, consanguinitates et affinitates, n. 2556, 2739; inde quoque est quod mens tam rationalis quam naturalis dicatur domus seu familia, {1}ubi parentes, fratres, sorores, consanguinei, et affines ordine. @1 ubi parentes, fratres et sorores seu consanguinei, tum affines ordine$

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