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属天的奥秘 第3510节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3510

3510. Behold I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother, saying. That this signifies that the Divine good of the Divine rational desired the affection of good, is evident from the representation of Isaac, who is here the "father," as being the Divine good of the Divine rational (concerning which above); from the signification of "speaking," as being to desire (see n. 2626, 2951, 3037); and from the representation of Esau, as being the affection of good in the natural (n. 3508).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3510

3510. 'Behold, I listened to your father speaking to Esau your brother, saying' means that the desire of the Divine Good of the Divine Rational was for the affection for good. This is clear from the representation of Isaac, to whom 'father' refers here, as the Divine Good of the Divine Rational, dealt with already; from the meaning of 'speaking' as willing, dealt with in 2626, 2951, 3037; and from the representation of 'Esau' as the affection for the good within the natural, dealt with above in 3508.

Latin(1748-1756) 3510

3510. `Ecce audivi patrem tuum locutum ad Esavum fratrem tuum, dicendo': quod significet quod Divinum Bonum Divini Rationalis affectionem boni vellet, constat a repraesentatione Jishaki, hic `patris,' quod sit Divinum Bonum Divini Rationalis, de qua prius; a significatione `loqui' quod sit velle, de qua n. 2626, 2951, 3037; et a repraesentatione `Esavi' quod sit affectio boni in naturali, de qua supra n. 3508.

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