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属天的奥秘 第3512节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3512

3512. And make me dainties. That this signifies the desire and delight from the pleasantness thence, is evident from the signification of "dainties," as being what is pleasing (n. 3502), thus desire and delight from the pleasantness thereof, that is, from truth; for as before said in the number cited, truths are introduced into the natural of man by what is pleasing and in agreement therewith; and those which are not so introduced do not inhere, and thus are not conjoined with the rational by correspondence. Moreover, like all other memory-knowledges, truths are allotted their place in the memory that belongs to the natural man in accordance with the pleasant and delightful things that introduced them; as is evident from the fact that when these pleasant and delightful things return, the things that were introduced by them also return; and also on the other hand that when these things are recalled, there are at the same time excited the delightful and pleasant things to which they had been adjoined.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3512

3512. 'And make me savoury food' means the desire and pleasure gained from the pleasantness received from that truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'savoury food' as forms of pleasantness, dealt with above in 3502, and so the desire and pleasure gained from the pleasantness received from this, that is to say, from truth. For as stated in the paragraph just referred to, truths are brought into man's natural by means of forms of pleasantness in keeping with it, and those that are not brought in by means of such forms do not attach themselves there and so are not joined to the rational by means of correspondence. Furthermore truths, like all other matters of knowledge, find their place in the memory belonging to the natural man according to all the pleasantness and delight that has brought them in. This is evident from the fact that when that pleasantness and delight reappears so do the things brought in by means of it; and conversely, when those things are recalled, so at the same time all the delight and pleasantness associated with them is aroused.

Latin(1748-1756) 3512

3512. `Et fac mihi cupedias': quod significet desiderium et delectationem ex amoenitate inde, constat ex significatione `cupediarum' quod sint amoena, de qua supra n. 3502, ita desiderium et delectatio ex amoenitate inde, nempe ex vero; nam ut in loco citato dictum est, vera in naturale hominis introducuntur per amoena ei convenientia, et quae non per amoena introducta sunt, non inhaerent, ita nec conjunguntur rationali per correspondentiam: etiam vera, sicut omnia alia scientifica, locum suum in memoria quae est naturalis hominis, sortiuntur secundum amoena et jucunda quae introduxerunt, ut patet ex eo quod eum amoena et jucunda illa redeunt, etiam res quae per illa introductae sunt, redeant, et quoque vicissim, cum res revocantur, etiam {1}jucunda seu amoena quibus adjunctae sunt, simul excitentur. @1 jucundum seu amoenum, cui$

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