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属天的奥秘 第3634节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3634

3634. A man who is in correspondence, that is, who is in love to the Lord and in charity toward the neighbor, and thence in faith, is as to his spirit in heaven, and as to his body in the world; and because he thus acts as one with the angels, he is also an image of heaven; and as there is an influx of all, or a general influx into the particulars or parts, as before said, he is also a little heaven under a human form; for man has from good and truth that he is man and is distinguished from brute animals.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3634

3634. The person with whom correspondence exists, that is to say, with whom love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour, and consequently faith, exist, is as to his spirit in heaven and as to his body in the world. And since accordingly he acts as one with the angels he is also an image of heaven; and since the influx of all or of the general whole takes place, as has been stated, into every individual person or part, he is also a miniature heaven under human form. For it is good and truth that enable a person to be human, and that mark him off from animals.

Latin(1748-1756) 3634

3634. Homo qui in correspondentia est, nempe qui in amore in Dominum et in charitate erga proximum, et inde in fide, is spiritu suo est in caelo, et corpore in mundo; et quia sic cum angelis unum agit, est quoque is imago caeli, et quia influxus omnium seu communis est in singulos seu partes, ut dictum, est quoque is exiguum caelum, sub forma humana; homo enim ex bono et vero habet ut sit homo, et distinctus ab animalibus brutis.

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