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属天的奥秘 第430节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]430. In the Word a little child symbolizes innocence, and charity too, since true innocence is not possible without charity, nor true charity without innocence. There are three levels of innocence, and in the Word they are identified as babies, toddlers, and children. Because true innocence is impossible without true love and charity, three levels of love are symbolized by the same three age groups. Those levels are: a tender love like the kind babies have for their mother or wet nurse; a love like the kind toddlers have for their parents; and charity like the kind children have for their teachers. Isaiah contains an example:
The wolf will stay with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fattened animal [will live] together, and a little child will lead them. (Isaiah 11:6)
The lamb, kid, and calf stand for innocence and love in their three degrees. The wolf, leopard, and young lion stand for the opposite. A little child stands for charity.
[2] In Jeremiah:
You do great evil against your own souls, cutting off from yourselves man and wife, toddler and baby in the middle of Judah, so as to prevent a remnant from remaining to you. (Jeremiah 44:7)
"Man and wife" stand for the intellectual properties of truth and the will-oriented properties of good. "Baby and infant" stand for the first levels of love. The identification of babies and children with innocence and charity stands out clearly in the Lord's words in Luke:
They brought babies to Jesus to touch them; he said, "Allow the little ones to come to me and do not stop them, because these are the kind who make up God's kingdom. Truly, I say to you: whoever does not accept God's kingdom as a child does, will not enter it." (Luke 18:15, 16, 17)
The Lord himself is called a little child in Isaiah 9:6 because he is innocence itself and love itself, and he is there said to be "Miraculous, a Counselor, God, Hero, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace."

Potts(1905-1910) 430

430. A "little one" or "little child" in the Word, signifies innocence, and also charity, for true innocence cannot exist without charity, nor true charity without innocence. There are three degrees of innocence, distinguished in the Word by the terms "sucklings" "infants" and "little children;" and as there is no true innocence without true love and charity, therefore also by "sucklings" "infants" and "little children" are signified the three degrees of love: namely, tender love, like that of a suckling toward its mother or nurse; love like that of an infant toward its parents; and charity, similar to that of a little child toward its instructor. Thus it is said in Isaiah:

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them (Isa. 11:6). Here a "lamb" a "kid" and a "calf" signify the three degrees of innocence and love; a "wolf" a "leopard" and a "young lion" their opposites; and a "little child" charity. In Jeremiah:

Ye commit this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and wife, infant and suckling, out of the midst of Judah, to leave you no remains (Jer. 44:7). "Man and wife" denote things of the understanding and of the will, or of truth and of good; and "infant and suckling" the first degrees of love. That an "infant" and a "little child" denote innocence and charity, is very evident from the Lord's words in Luke: They brought unto Him little children that He should touch them. And Jesus said, Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall in no wise enter therein (Luke 18:15, 17). The Lord Himself is called a "little one" or "child" (Isa. 9:6), because He is innocence itself and love itself, and in the same passage He is spoken of as "Wonderful, Counselor, God, Hero, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace."

Elliott(1983-1999) 430

430. 'A little one' or little child in the Word means innocence, and also charity, for true innocence does not exist without charity, nor true charity without innocence. There are three degrees of innocence, which are distinguished in the Word as sucklings, infants, and little children. And because true innocence cannot exist without true love and charity these same three, sucklings, infants, and little children, also mean three degrees of love, which are the tender love which is like that of a suckling for mother or nursemaid; the love which is like that of an infant for parents; and charity which is like a little child's attitude towards its teacher; as in Isaiah,

The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child will lead them. Isa 11:6.
Here 'lamb', 'kid', and 'calf' stand for the three degrees of innocence and of love, 'wolf', 'leopard', and 'young lion' for their opposites. 'A little child' stands for charity.

[2] In Jeremiah,

You commit great evil against your own souls by cutting off from you man (vir) and wife, infant and suckling from the midst of Judah, not leaving you a remnant. Jer 44:7.
'Man and wife' stands for things connected with the understanding of truth and with the will for good. 'Infant and suckling' stands for the initial degrees of love. That 'infant' and 'little child' mean innocence and charity is quite clear from the Lord's words in Luke,

They brought infants to Jesus that He might touch them. He said, Let the little ones come to Me and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it. Luke 18:15-17.

Being innocence itself and Love itself the Lord Himself is called a Little One or Little Child in Isa 9:6, where He is also referred to as Wonderful, Counsellor, God, the Mighty One, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

Latin(1748-1756) 430

430. 'Parvulus' seu puerulus in Verbo significat innocentiam, tum etiam charitatem, nam vera innocentia non datur absque charitate, et vera charitas non absque innocentia; sunt tres gradus innocentiae, qui in Verbo distinguuntur per 'lactentes, infantes et puerulos'; et quia vera innocentia non dabilis est absque vero amore et charitate, etiam per eosdem, nempe per lactentes, infantes et puerulos, significantur aes gradus amoris, qui sunt, amor tener sicut 'lactentis' erga matrem seu nutricem; amor sicut 'infantis' erga parentes; et charitas sicut 'pueruli' erga instructorem; ut apud Esaiam, Commorabitur lupus cum agno, et pardus cum haedo cubabit; et vitulus et leo juvenis, et pingue pecus una; et puer parvus ducens eos, xi 6;

ubi 'agnus, haedus et vitulus' pro innocentiae et amoris tribus gradibus;'lupus, pardus, leo juvenis' pro oppositis; 'puer parvus' pro charitate: [2] apud Jeremiam, Vos facitis malum magnum contra animas vestras, exscindendo vobis virum et uxorem, infantem et lactentem e medio Judae, ut non reliquas facere vobis reliquias, xliv 7; 'vir et uxor' pro intellectualibus veri et voluntariis boni; 'infans et lactens' pro primis amoris gradibus. Quod 'infans et puerulus' sit innocentia et charitas, constat manifeste ex Domini verbis apud Lucam, Attulerunt Jesu infantes, ut eos tangeret,... dixit, Sinite parvulos venire ad Me, et ne prohibite, talium enim est regnum Dei: Amen dico vobis, quicumque non recipit regnum Dei ut puer, non ingredietur in illud, xviii 15-17. Ipse Dominus appellatur 'Parvulus' seu 'Puerulus,' Esai. ix 5, quia Ipse est ipsa Innocentia et ipse Amor; et dicitur ibi Mirabilis, Consiliarius, Deus, Heros, Pater aeternitatis, Princeps pacis.'

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