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属天的奥秘 第4355节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4355

4355. Verses 5-7. And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, Who are these to thee? And he said, The children whom God hath graciously bestowed upon thy servant. And the handmaids drew near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves. And Leah also and her children drew near, and they bowed themselves; and afterwards Joseph and Rachel drew near, and they bowed themselves. "And he lifted up his eyes," signifies perception; "and saw the women and the children," signifies of the affections of truth and of the truths belonging thereto; "and said, Who are these to thee?" signifies acknowledgment; "and he said, The children whom God hath graciously bestowed upon thy servant," signifies truths from the Divine Providence; "and the handmaids drew near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves," signifies sensuous memory-knowledges and their truths, and their submission; "and Leah also and her children drew near, and they bowed themselves," signifies the affection of the truth of faith as to exterior things, and their truths, and their submissive introduction; "and afterwards Joseph and Rachel drew near, and they bowed themselves," signifies the affections of the truth of faith as to interior things, and their submissive introduction.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4355

4355. Verses 5-7 And he lifted up his eyes and saw the women and their sons, and said, Who are these with you? And he said, The sons whom God has graciously bestowed on your servant. And the servant-girls came near, they and their sons, and bowed down. And Leah also came near, then her sons, and they bowed down; and after that Joseph came near, then Rachel, and they bowed down.

'He lifted up his eyes' means a perception . . . 'And saw the women and their sons' means, of the affections for truth and of the truths which belong to those affections. 'And said, Who are these with you?' means acknowledgement. 'And he said, The sons whom God has graciously bestowed on your servant' means truths conferred by Divine Providence. 'And the servant-girls came near, they and their sons, and bowed down' means sensory knowledge and its truths, and their submission. 'And Leah also came near, then her sons, and they bowed down' means the affection for the truth of faith so far as exterior things and their truths are concerned, and their submissive introduction. 'And after that Joseph came near, then Rachel, and they bowed down' means affections for the truth of faith so far as interior things are concerned, and their submissive introduction.

Latin(1748-1756) 4355

4355. Vers. 5-7. Et sustulit oculos suos, et vidit feminas et natos, et dixit, Qui illi tibi? et dixit, Nati quos gratiose largitus Deus servo tuo. Et appropinquaverunt ancillae, illae et nati illarum, et incurvaverunt se. Et appropinquavit etiam Leah et nati illius, et incurvaverunt se; et postea appropinquavit Joseph et Rachel, et incurvaverunt se. `Sustulit oculos suos' significat perceptionem: `et vidit feminas et natos' significat affectionum {1} veri et verorum quae illis: `et dixit, Qui illi tibi? significat agnitionem: `et dixit, Nati quos gratiose largitus Deus servo tuo' significat vera ex Providentia Divina: `et appropinquaverunt ancillae, illae et nati illarum, et incurvaverunt se' significat scientifica sensualia et illorum vera, et eorum submissionem: `et appropinquavit etiam Leah et nati illius, et incurvaverunt se' significat affectionem veri fidei quoad exteriora, et illorum vera, eorumque submissam introductionem: `et postea appropinquavit Joseph et Rachel, et incurvaverunt se' significat affectiones veri fidei quoad interiora, eorumque submissam introductionem. @1 affectionum depends on perceptionem in line above.$

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