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属天的奥秘 第4381节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4381

4381. And I will proceed slowly. That this signifies a successive state of preparation, may be seen from the signification here of "proceeding slowly" (where the subject treated of is the instilling of good into truth, and its reception by truth), as being what is successive of preparation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4381

4381. 'And I will move on slowly' means the subsequent state of preparation. This becomes clear from the meaning here, where the subject is the instillation of good into truth and the reception of it by truth, of 'moving on slowly' as the subsequent state of preparation.

Latin(1748-1756) 4381

4381. `Et ego procedam lente': quod significet statum praeparationis successivum, constare potest a significatione `procedere lente,' hic ubi agitur de insinuatione boni in verum et de receptione illius ab hoc, quod sit praeparationis successivum.

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