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属天的奥秘 第4384节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4384

4384. Until I come unto my lord unto Seir. That this signifies until they could be conjoined (namely, the truth which is Jacob with the good which is Esau), may be seen from the signification of "Seir," as being the conjunction in the natural of spiritual things with celestial things, that is, of the truth which is of faith with the good which is of charity. The good with which truth is conjoined in the natural, and in the supreme sense the Lord's Divine natural as to good conjoined with the truth therein, is what is properly signified by "Seir" in the following passages in the Word. In the prophecy of Moses regarding the sons of Israel:

Jehovah came from Sinai, and arose from Seir unto them; He shone forth from Mount Paran, and He came from the ten thousands of holiness (Deut. 33:2). In the prophecy of Balaam:

I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not nigh; there shall arise a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; and Edom shall be an inheritance, and Seir shall be an inheritance, of his enemies, and Israel shall perform strength (Num. 24:17-18). In the song of Deborah and Barak:

O Jehovah, when Thou wentest forth out of Seir, when Thou departedst out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, the mountains flowed down, this Sinai before Jehovah the God of Israel (Judges 5:4-5). In Isaiah:

He crieth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night (Isa. 21:11-12). Besides these passages in regard to Seir, see also those cited above (n. 4240).

Elliott(1983-1999) 4384

4384. 'Until I come to my lord, to Seir' means until they - the truth meant by 'Jacob' and the good meant by 'Esau' - could be joined together. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'Seir' as the joining of spiritual things to celestial ones within the natural, that is, the joining of truth which belongs to faith to good which belongs to charity. Good to which truth has been joined within the natural, and in the highest sense the Lord's Divine Natural as regards good joined to truth there, is what is meant strictly speaking by 'Seir' in the following places in the Word: In Moses' prophecy concerning the children of Israel,

Jehovah came from Sinai, and dawned from Seir upon them; He shone from Mount Paran, and came out of myriads of holiness. Deut 33:2, 3.

In Balaam's prophecy,

I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near A star will arise out of Jacob, and a sceptre will rise up out of Israel. And Edom will be an inheritance, and Seir will be an inheritance, of His enemies - with Israel doing valiantly. Num 24:17, 18.

In the Song of Deborah and Barak,

O Jehovah, when You went forth from Seir, when You set out from the field of Edom, the earth trembled, the mountains flowed down, this Sinai before Jehovah God of Israel. Judg 5:4, 5.

In Isaiah,

One is calling to me from Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, Morning comes, and also the night. Isa 21:11, 12.

See 4240 for these texts referring to Seir, as well as others quoted there.

Latin(1748-1756) 4384

4384. `Usque quod venero ad dominum meum, ad Seir': quod significet usque dum conjungi possent, nempe verum quod est `Jacob' cum bono quod est `Esau,' constare potest a significatione `Seir' quod sit conjunctio spiritualium cum caelestibus in naturali, hoc est, veri quod fidei {1}, cum bono quod est charitatis; bonum cui conjunctum est verum in naturali, ac in supremo sensu Divinum Naturale Domini quoad bonum conjunctum vero ibi, est quod proprie significatur per Seir in his locis' in Verbo; in prophetico Mosis de filiis Israelis {2}, Jehovah de Sinai venit, et exortus est de Seir illis, exsplenduit e monte Paran, et venit ex myriadibus sanctitatis, Deut. xxxiii 2, 3:

in prophetia Bileami, Video Ipsum et non jam, conspicio Ipsum et non propinquus; orietur stella e Jacobo, et surget sceptrum ex Israele;... et erit Edomus hereditas, et erit hereditas Seir, hostium illius, et Israel faciens robur, Num. xxiv 17, [18]:

in cantico Deborae et Baraki, Jehovah cum exivisti e Seir, cum egressus es ex agro Edomi, terra contremuit... montes defluxerunt;... hic Sinai coram Jehovah Deo Israelis, Jud. v 4, 5:

apud Esaiam, Ad me clamans e Seir, Custos quid de nocte? custos quid de nocte? dixit custos, Venit mane, etiamque nox, xxi 11, 12;

videantur haec de Seir, (o)ut et quae allata sunt, n. 4240. @1 i est$ @2 ut apud Mosen$

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