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属天的奥秘 第4949节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4949

4949. There are some who have abodes under the soles of the feet, with whom I have occasionally conversed. I have seen some of them endeavoring to ascend, and it was also granted me to feel their endeavor, and this even to the knees; but they fell back again. In this manner is it represented to the sense when any are desirous of ascending from their own abodes to higher ones, as these were of ascending to the abodes of those who are in the province of the knees and thighs. I was told that such are they who have despised others in comparison with themselves; for which reason also they wish to emerge, and not only through the foot into the thigh, but also if possible above the head; yet still they fall back again. They are in a kind of stupidity; for such arrogance extinguishes and suffocates the light of heaven, and consequently intelligence. Wherefore the sphere which surrounds them appears like thick dregs.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4949

4949. There are quite a number with dwelling-places beneath the soles of the feet to whom I have talked occasionally. I have seen some of them trying to work their way up from there, and I have also been allowed to have a sensation in my body of their attempts to do so. They reached as far as my knees, but then they sank down. This is what the representation involving the physical senses is like when any have the desire to move up from their own dwelling-places to higher ones, like those described here who had the desire to come up to the dwelling-places of those in the province of the knees and thighs. I was told that these are the kind of people who despised others in comparison with themselves, which is also the reason why they wish to rise up from where they are, not only through the foot into the thigh but also if possible above the head. But for all that, they sink down. In a way they are stupid, for that kind of arrogance blots out and smothers the light of heaven and therefore intelligence. This explains why the sphere which surrounds them looks like a thick sediment.

Latin(1748-1756) 4949

4949. Sunt plures qui mansiones habent sub plantis pedum, cum quibus quandoque locutus sum; vidi quosdam eorum quod conniterentur ascendere, et quoque connisum ascensus eorum sentire dabatur et hoc usque ad genua, sed relapsi sunt; repraesentatur ita coram sensu, cum aliqui ex suis mansionibus cupiunt ad superiores, sicut hi quod ad illorum mansiones qui in provincia genuum et femorum sunt;

dictum mihi quod tales sint qui alios contempserunt prae se, quapropter etiam volunt emergere, et non solum per pedem in femur, sed etiam si possent supra caput, at usque relabuntur; sunt in quodam genere stupiditatis, nam talis arrogantia exstinguit et {1} suffocat lucem caeli, proinde intelligentiam; quapropter sphaera quae circumfundit illos, apparet sicut crassamentum. @1 seu$

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