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属天的奥秘 第4956节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4956

4956. The essence of charity toward the neighbor is the affection of good and truth, and the acknowledgment of self as being evil and false; yea, the neighbor is good and truth itself, and to be affected by these is to have charity. The opposite to the neighbor is evil and falsity, which are held in aversion by one who has charity. He therefore who has charity toward the neighbor is affected by good and truth, because they are from the Lord, and holds in aversion what is evil and what is false because these are from self; and when he does this, he is in humiliation from self-acknowledgment, and when he is in humiliation, he is in a state of reception of good and truth from the Lord. These are the characteristics of charity which in the internal sense are involved in these words of the Lord: "I was hungry, and ye gave Me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and ye gathered Me; naked, and ye clothed Me; I was sick, and ye visited Me; I was in prison, and ye came unto Me." That these words involve such things, no one can know except from the internal sense. The ancients, who had the doctrinals of charity, knew these things; but at this day they appear so remote that everyone will wonder at its being said that these things are within. Moreover, the angels who are with man perceive these words no otherwise, for by the "hungry" they perceive those who from affection desire good; by the "thirsty," those who from affection desire truth; by a "stranger," those who are willing to be instructed; by the "naked," those who acknowledge that there is nothing of good and of truth in themselves; by the "sick," those who acknowledge that in themselves there is nothing but evil; and by the "bound," or those who are "in prison," those who acknowledge that in themselves there is nothing but falsity. If these things are reduced into one meaning, they signify what has been stated just above.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4956

4956. Essentially charity towards the neighbour is an affection for goodness and truth and a recognition of oneself as being nothing but evil and falsity. Indeed the neighbour is one and the same as goodness and truth, and to have an affection for these is to have charity, while the opposite of the neighbour is evil and falsity, which a person who has charity turns away from. Anyone therefore who has charity towards the neighbour is moved by an affection for goodness and truth because they come from the Lord, and such a one turns away from evil and falsity because these come from himself. When he does this, humility is present in him as a consequence of his recognition of what he is in himself; and when such humility is present his state is one in which goodness and truth are received from the Lord. These essential ingredients of charity are the message in the internal sense of the following words used by the Lord,

I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, naked and you clothed Me around, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.

Except from the internal sense no one can know that these words hold the essential ingredients of charity within them. The ancients who possessed teachings regarding charity knew these things, but at the present day matters such as these seem so far-fetched that everyone will be astonished by the assertion that those words hold the essential ingredients of charity within them. What is more, the angels present with a person do not perceive those words in any other way, for by 'the hungry' they perceive those led by affection to desire good, by 'the thirsty' those led by affection to desire truth, by 'a stranger' those wishing to receive instruction, by 'the naked' those acknowledging that no goodness or truth at all is present within them, by 'the sick' those acknowledging that within themselves there is nothing but evil, and by 'the bound' or 'those in prison those acknowledging that within themselves there is nothing but falsity. All these if taken as a whole mean the aspects of charity described immediately above.

Latin(1748-1756) 4956

4956. Charitatis erga proximum essentia est affectio boni et veri, et agnitio sui quod sit malum et falsum, immo proximus est ipsum bonum et verum; his affici est charitatem habere, oppositum proximo est malum et falsum, haec {1} aversatur qui charitatem habet; qui itaque charitatem erga proximum habet, afficitur bono et vero quia illa ex Domino, et aversatur malum et falsum quia illa ex e, et cum hoc facit, in humiliatione et ex a humiliatione in statu receptionis boni et veri est a Domino. Haec charitatis sunt quae in sensu interno involvunt haec Domini Verba, Esurivi et dedistis Mihi edere sitivi et potastis Me, peregrinus fui et collegistis Me, nudus et circuminduistis Me, aegrotus fui et visitastis Me, in carcere fui et venistis ad Me. Quod haec verba illa involvant, nemo scire {2} potest quam ex sensu interno; antiqui qui doctrinalia charitatis habebant, illi haec sciebant; sed hodie haec tam remota apparent ut quisque miraturus quod dicatur quod illa insint; et praeterea angeli apud hominem non aliter illa verba percipiunt; per `esurientem' enim percipiunt illos qui ex affectione desiderant bonum, per `sitientem' illos qui ex affectione desiderant verum, per `peregrinum' illos qui instrui volunt, per `nudum' illos qui agnoscunt in se nihil nisi malum esse, et per `vinctos seu in illos qui agnoscunt in se nihil nisi malum esse, et per `vinctos seu in carcere' qui agnoscunt in se nihil nisi falsum: haec si in unum sensum rediguntur, significant illa quae mox supra dicta sunt. @1 illa$ @2 videre$

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