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属天的奥秘 第5067节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5067

5067. As therefore the Lord cares not for external but for internal things, and as man testifies to his internal things, not by worship only, but by charity and its acts, the Lord answered:

Verily I say to you, Insofar as ye did it to one of the least of these My brethren, ye did it to Me; those are called "brethren" who are in the good of charity and of life; for the Lord is with them, because they are in good itself; and it is they who are properly meant by the neighbor. In these also the Lord does not manifest Himself, for in respect to Him they are vile; but the man manifests himself before the Lord, in that he worships Him from within.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5067

5067. Since therefore the Lord is not concerned about external things, only about those that are internal, and a person bears witness to internal ones not through worship alone but through charity and acts that express it, the Lord replied,

Truly I say to you, Insofar as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers you did it to Me.

The word 'brothers' is used to describe those in whom the good of charity and life is present; for since good itself is present in them, the Lord resides with them. These are the ones who are meant, strictly speaking, by the neighbour. Yet the Lord does not present Himself even within these, for compared with Him they are worthless. But a person presents himself before the Lord by worshipping Him with his inner being.

Latin(1748-1756) 5067

5067. Quia itaque Dominus externa non curat sed interna, et interna testificatur homo non per solum cultum, sed per charitatem et ejus exercitia, idcirco Dominus respondit, `Amen dico vobis, quantum fecistis uni horum fratrum Meorum minimorum, Mihi fecistis'. Qui fratres nominantur, sunt illi qui in bono charitatis et vitae sunt, nam Dominus apud illos est quia in ipso bono; et sunt qui proprie intelliguntur per proximum; in his quoque Dominus se non manifestat, nam viles sunt respective, sed homo se manifestat coram Domino quod ex interiore Ipsum colat.

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