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属天的奥秘 第5173节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5173

5173. In the other life there are very many methods of agitation, and also very many methods of inaugurations into circles. The purifying in the body of the blood, as well as of the serum or lymph, and also of the chyle, represents these agitations, which are effected also by various castigations; and the subsequent introducing into use of these fluids represents the inaugurations into circles. It is a very common thing in the other life for spirits, after undergoing agitation, to be let into a tranquil and delightful state, thus into the societies into which they are to be inaugurated, and to which they are to be joined. [2] That the castigation and purifying of the blood, serum, and chyle, and of the food in the stomach, correspond to such things in the spiritual world, cannot but seem strange to those who think of nothing else in natural things than what is natural, and especially to those who believe in nothing else, thus denying that there is or can be anything spiritual within natural things that acts and rules; when yet the truth is that in all and each of the things in nature and her three kingdoms there is an inward active force from the spiritual world; and unless this were so, nothing whatever in the natural world could act as cause and effect, and consequently nothing could be produced. That which is within natural things from the spiritual world is called a force implanted from the first creation; whereas it is an endeavor, on the cessation of which, action or motion ceases. Hence it is that the universal visible world is a theater representative of the spiritual world. [3] The case herein is like that of the motion of the muscles from which is action; unless there were in this motion an endeavor from man's thought and will it would cease in a moment; for it is according to laws known in the learned world that when endeavor ceases, motion ceases, and also that everything of determination is in endeavor, and that in motion there is nothing real except endeavor. It is clear that this force or endeavor in action or motion is the spiritual in the natural; for to think and will is spiritual, and to act and be moved is natural. It is true that those who do not think beyond nature do not apprehend this, and yet they cannot deny it. Nevertheless that in the will and thence in the thought, which produces, is not alike in form to the action that is produced; for the action merely represents that which the mind wills and thinks.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5173

5173. In the next life very many ways of harrying people are employed, and also very many methods that involve introducing them into a kind of spiralling. Harryings are represented in the body by the purifications of the blood, also the serum or lymph as well as the chyle, which too are accomplished by various refining processes, while introductions into spiralling are represented by the subsequent assignment of those refined fluids to particular services. It is very common in the next life for spirits to be brought, after they have been harried, into a state of tranquillity and delight, and then to be brought to those communities which they are to be introduced into and become attached to.

[2] The idea that the refining processes and purifications of the blood, serum, and chyle, and also of the food in the stomach, correspond to such processes in the spiritual world is bound to seem strange to those who presume that natural things hold no more than what is natural within them, and even stranger to those who are quite convinced that this is so and accordingly deny that anything spiritual, active or reactive, does or can lie within natural things. Yet the reality is that every single thing in the natural world and its three kingdoms possesses something acting into it from the spiritual world. If this were not so, nothing whatever in the natural world could accomplish any cause and effect, and therefore nothing would be brought forth. That which natural things hold within them from the spiritual world is described as a force implanted since creation began; but in fact it is an endeavour, and when that endeavour ceases, action or motion ceases. All this demonstrates that the whole visible world is a theatre representative of the spiritual world.

[3] The case is the same with the movement of the muscles and consequent action. Unless the movement of them held within it an endeavour originating in the person's thought and will, it would instantly cease; for laws well known to the learned world state that when the endeavour ceases so does the movement, and also that the person's entire direction of mind is present within the endeavour, as well as that nothing real other than the endeavour expresses itself within the movement. The force or endeavour within the action or movement is, it is plain, something spiritual within something natural; for thought and will are spiritual activities, whereas action and movement are natural ones. People whose thought does not extend beyond the natural world have no grasp of this at all; yet they are not able to deny it. Nevertheless what exists in the will, and from there in the thought, is the producer of the action, though it is not similar in form to the action which it produces. For the action merely represents what the mind wills and thinks.

Latin(1748-1756) 5173

5173. Sunt in altera vita perplures modi vexationum, et quoque perplures modi inaugurationum in gyros; vexationes illas repraesentant sanguinis, tum seri {1}aut lymphae, ut et chyli purificationes in corpore, quae quoque fiunt per varias castigationes; et inaugurationes illas in gyros repraesentant introductiones illorum fluidorum postea ad usus communissimum est in altera vita quod postquam vexati sunt spiritus, dein in statum tranquillum et jucundum mittantur, proinde in societates, quibus inaugurandi et adjungendi. Quod 2 castigationes et purificationes sanguinis, seri et chyli, tum quoque alimentorum in ventriculo, correspondeant talibus in spirituali mundo, non potest non apparere sicut alienum illis qui nihil aliud quam naturale in naturalibus cogitant, et magis qui id credunt, sic negantes quod aliquid spirituale insit vel inesse possit quod agit et regit; cum tamen ita se res habet, quod in omnibus et singulis quae in natura et tribus ejus regnis sunt, intrinsecus sit agens ex spirituali mundo;

tale nisi inde inesset, nihil prorsus in naturali mundo ageret {3} causam et effectum; proinde nec aliquid produceret; id quod e spirituali mundo in naturalibus inest, vocatur vis insita a prima creatione, at est conatus, quo cessante cessat actio seu motus;

inde est quod universus mundus aspectabilis sit theatrum repraesentativum mundi spiritualis. Similiter se (t)habet hoc sicuti 3 motu musculorum unde actio; nisi ei insit conatus ex cogitatione et voluntate hominis, momento cessaret, (m)nam secundum regulas in orbe erudito notas est quod cessante conatu cesset motus, tum quod in conatu sit omne determinationis, ut et quod in motu nihil reale existat quam conatus(n); quod {3}vis illa seu conatus ille in actione seu motu spirituale sit in naturali, liquet, nam cogitare et velle est spirituale, at agere et moveri est naturale; qui non ultra naturam cogitant, hoc ne quidem capiunt, sed usque non negare possunt; ast id quod in voluntate et inde in cogitatione est quod producit, non est simile in forma cum actione quae producitur, actio enim solum repraesentat id quod mens vult et cogitat. @1 seu$ @2 i aliquam$ @3 A had quod conatus ille, but alters to quod vis et conatus ille$

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