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属天的奥秘 第5175节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5175

5175. For when a man dies and enters the other life, his life is circumstanced like food, which is softly taken hold of by the lips and is then passed through the mouth, fauces, and esophagus, into the stomach, and this according to the nature that has been contracted in the life of the body by means of various activities. At first most spirits are treated gently, being kept in the company of angels and good spirits, which is represented by the food being first touched softly by the lips, and then tasted by the tongue to discover its quality. Food that is soft, and in which there is what is sweet, oily, and spirituous, is at once absorbed by the veins, and carried into the circulation; but food that is hard, and in which there is what is bitter, noisome, and but little nutritious, is mastered with more difficulty, being let down through the esophagus into the stomach, where it is churned in various ways and windings; and food that is still harder, more noisome, and innutritious, is thrust down into the intestines, and at last into the rectum, where first is hell; and finally it is cast out, and becomes excrement. It is similar with the life of man after death. He is at first kept in externals, and because in these he had led a civil and moral life, he is with angels and upright spirits; but after external things are taken away from him it becomes plain of what quality he had been inwardly in respect to his thoughts and affections, and finally in respect to his ends, his life remaining according to these last.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5175

5175. When a person dies and enters the next life, his life may be likened to food which is received in a gentle manner by the lips and is then passed down through the mouth, throat, and oesophagus into the stomach, the whole process being conditioned by his character which has been formed during his lifetime by the things he did. To begin with, the treatment that most spirits receive is mild, for they are kept in the company of angels and good spirits. This is represented by what happens to food, when at first it is touched gently by the lips and then tasted by the tongue to see what it is like. Food that is soft, containing that which is sweet, oily, and spirituous is received instantly through the veins and carried away into the bloodstream, whereas food that is hard, containing that which is bitter, disagreeable, and of little nutritive value, is harder to break down, being sent down through the oesophagus into the stomach where it is refined by various methods and violent actions. Food that is even harder, even less agreeable, and of even less value is forced down into the intestines and at length into the rectum where the first hell is situated, and is then finally expelled and becomes excrement. Analogous to all this is a person's life after death. At first he is confined to matters of an external nature; and because in matters of an external nature he has led a decent and respectable life, he is among angels and upright spirits. But once he ceases to be confined to them, what he had been like inwardly - what he had been like so far as his thoughts and affections were concerned, and at length so far as his ends in view were concerned - is revealed; and those ends determine the life that awaits him.

Latin(1748-1756) 5175

5175. Cum enim homo moritur, et in alteram vitam ingreditur, se habet vita ejus sicut cibus qui a labiis molliter excipitur, et dein per os, fauces, oesophagum, in ventriculum derivatur, et hoc secundum indolem tractam in vita corporis per actualitates;

plerique principio leniter tractantur, nam tenentur in consortio angelorum et spirituum bonorum, quod repraesentatur in cibis quod a labiis (t)primum molliter tangantur, et dein gustentur a lingua quales sunt; cibi qui molles sunt, in quibus dulce, oleosum et spirituosum statim excipiuntur a venis, et deferuntur in circulum;

at cibi qui duri, in quibus amarum, tetrum, parum nutritivum, domantur durius, demittuntur per oesophagum in ventriculum, ubi variis modis et torturis castigantur; quid adhuc duriores, tetriores et steriliores sunt, detruduntur in intestina, et tandem in rectum, ubi primum infernum, et demum ejiciuntur et fiunt excrementa; convenienter se habet vita hominis post mortem; primum tenetur homo in externis, et quia in externis vitam civilem et moratam egerat, cum angelis et spiritibus probis est, at postea externa ei auferuntur, {1} tunc patet qualis fuerat intus quoad cogitationes et quoad affectiones. et tandem quoad fines, secundum hos manet vita ejus. @1 i et per gradus ad interiora perducitur$

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