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属天的奥秘 第5177节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5177

5177. They who have been very solicitous about the future, and especially they who have therefore become grasping and avaricious, appear in the region where the stomach is. Many have appeared to me there. The sphere of their life may be compared to a sickening smell which is exhaled from the stomach, and also to the heaviness from indigestion. They who have been of this character stay long in this region, because solicitude about the future, when confirmed by act, greatly dulls and retards the influx of spiritual life; for they attribute to themselves that which is of the Divine Providence; and they who do this obstruct the influx, and take away from themselves the life of good and truth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5177

5177. Those who have worried much about the future, and more so those who have as a consequence become grasping and avaricious, appear in the region where the stomach is situated. Many have appeared to me there. The sphere of their life may be likened to a nauseating smell emitted from the stomach and also to an ache caused by indigestion. People like these remain in that region for a long time, for worries about the future, when these are compounded by the way such people act, seriously impair and slow down the inflow of spiritual life. This is because these people assign to themselves that which is the business of Divine Providence, and those who do this put a stop to that inflow and so cut themselves off from the life of goodness and truth.

Latin(1748-1756) 5177

5177. Illi qui multum solliciti fuerunt de futuris, et magis qui ideo tenaces et avari facti sunt, apparent {1}in regione ubi ventriculus; plures apparuerunt mihi ibi; sphaera vitae eorum comparari potest nidori {2} nauseabundo qui exhalatur e ventriculo, et quoque gravedini ex indigestione; qui tales fuerunt, diu morantur in hac regione, nam sollicitudo de futuris actu confirmata influxum vitae spiritualis multum hebetat et retardat, sibi enim tribuunt quod Divinae Providentiae est, et qui hoc faciunt, {3}obstant influxui, et removent a se vitam boni et veri. @1 First had sicut in ventriculo, then d sicut and wrote in regione above$ @2 i illi$ @3 et obstant influxui at end of $

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