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属天的奥秘 第5852节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5852

5852. The evil spirits with man are indeed from the hells, but while they are with him they are not in hell, but taken out from thence. The place where they then are is midway between hell and heaven, and is called the World Of Spirits, of which mention has often been made before. In this world called the world of spirits there are also good spirits who likewise are with man. Into that world also come men immediately after death, who after tarrying a while there, are either sent away into the lower earth, or are let down into hell, or taken up into heaven, each one according to his life. In that world the hells are terminated above, being there closed or opened at the good pleasure of the Lord; and in that world heaven is terminated below; thus it is an interval that distinguishes heaven from hell. From this it may now be known what the world of spirits is. When evil spirits who are with man are in that world, they are not in any infernal torment, but are in the delights of the love of self and of the world, as also of all the pleasures in which the man himself is; for they are in every thought and every affection of the man; but when they are sent back into their hell, they return into their former state.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5852

5852. The evil spirits present with a person do indeed belong in the hells, yet when they are present with him they are not in hell but have been summoned from there. The place where they are while present with him lies midway between heaven and hell and is called the world of spirits, which has often been mentioned before now. In that world called the world of spirits there are good spirits as well, and these too are present with a person. Into that world people also come immediately after death, and having stayed there for a while they are then either banished to the lower earth, or sent down to hell, or raised up to heaven, the life that people have led being the determining factor in every case. That world serves as the upper boundary of the hells, which are closed or opened there at the Lord's good pleasure; and that world also serves as the lower boundary of heaven. It is therefore an intervening region that marks off heaven from hell. From all this one can see what the world of spirits is. While the evil spirits present with a person are in that world they are not subject to any hellish torment but enjoy the delights typical of self-love and love of the world, as well as the delights gained from all the pleasures for which the person himself has a liking; for they are present in the whole of the person's thought and the whole of his affection. But when they are sent back to their own hell they return to the state that was theirs previously.

Latin(1748-1756) 5852

5852. Spiritus mali qui apud hominem, quidem ab infernis sunt, sed tunc quando apud illum, non in inferno sunt, verum inde desumpti: locus ubi tunc sunt, est medius inter infernum et caelum et vocatur Mundus spirituum, cujus mentio prius saepe facta est; in mundo illo qui mundus spirituum vocatur, sunt etiam boni spiritus, qui etiam apud hominem sunt; in illum mundum etiam veniunt homines statim post mortem, et post (x)aliquam moram ibi vel ablegantur in terram inferiorem, vel demittuntur in infernum, vel elevantur in caelum, quilibet secundum vitam suam; (m)in mundo illo a superiore terminantur inferna, quae clauduntur ibi et aperiuntur ad beneplacitum Domini; et in mundo illo ab inferiore terminatur caelum, est itaque interstitiale distinguens caelum ab inferno;(n) ex his sciri potest quid Mundus spirituum. Cum mali spiritus qui apud hominem, in illo mundo sunt, non sunt in aliquo cruciatu infernali sed sunt in jucundis amoris sui et mundi, tum voluptatum omnium in quibus ipse homo, nam sunt in omni cogitatione et in omni affectione hominis; at cum remittuntur in infernum suum, in priorem {1} statum redeunt. @1 i suum$

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