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属天的奥秘 第5860节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5860

5860. The spirits who are with man also put on his persuasions, whatever these may be, as has been proved to me by much experience. Thus they put on man's persuasions not only in civil and moral things, but also in the spiritual things of faith. From this it may be seen that the spirits with those who are in heresies, in fallacies and illusions as to the truths of faith, and in falsities, are in the like, with not the slightest difference. The reason of this is that man may be in his freedom, and not be disturbed by anything of the spirit's own.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5860

5860. The spirits present with a person also adopt his false opinions, whatever they may be like, as much experience has served to prove to me. Thus they adopt not only false opinions that have to do with public duties and private behaviour but also those that have to do with spiritual matters of faith. From this it may be seen that the spirits present with people who cling to heresies, to misconceptions and illusions so far as truths of faith are concerned, and to falsities, cling to the same things; there is not the slightest difference between the two. The purpose of this is that a person may be left in freedom and not be disturbed by anything of the spirit's own.

Latin(1748-1756) 5860

5860. Spiritus qui apud hominem sunt, etiam induunt ejus persuasiones qualescumque sint, quod a multa experientia testatum mihi factum est; ita induunt persuasiones hominis in rebus non modo civilibus et moralibus, sed etiam in spiritualibus quae sunt fidei; inde constare potest quod spiritus apud illos qui in haeresibus sunt, in fallaciis et illusionibus quoad vera fidei et in falsis, in similibus sint, nec inde unguem discedant; causa quod ita, est ut homo in suo libero sit, nec ab aliquo proprio spiritus turbetur.

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