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属天的奥秘 第6438节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6438

6438. From all that Israel foretold about Joseph, it is also evident that in each detail there is an internal sense, and that without this sense scarcely anything is understood. He who looks only at the sense of the letter may believe that these things that were said about Joseph would happen to his descendants through Manasseh and Ephraim (Gen. 48:1). But in their history in the books of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, nothing of the kind is found; for they were not blessed above the rest of the tribes, and they like the rest were led into captivity and dispersed among the Gentiles; from which it is evident that what is stated in the sense of the letter is not signified, but something else that is in the internal sense. Also that without the internal sense it is impossible to know what all these things about Joseph involve-as that Joseph is "the son of a fruitful one, a fruitful one over a fountain, of a daughter, she marcheth upon the wall; the archers embitter him, and shoot at him, and hate him; and he shall sit in the strength of his bow, and the arms of his hands are made strong by the hands of the mighty Jacob, from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel;" that "the blessings of his father shall prevail above the blessings of his progenitors, even to the desire of the hills of an age;" and that "they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of the Nazirite of his brethren;" all and each of which things are such that no one can know what they mean except from the internal sense.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6438

6438. From these things foretold by Israel regarding Joseph it may again be seen that every detail contains an inner meaning and that without that meaning scarcely anything is intelligible. The person who fixes his attention solely on the literal meaning may think that these things which were stated regarding Joseph were going to happen to his descendants from Manasseh and Ephraim, because in verse 1 Israel says that he was going to tell them what would happen to them at the end of days. But in the historical accounts concerning those descendants in the Books of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, or Kings, one does not find anything of the sort happening to them. They were no more greatly blessed than any other tribe; rather, like all the others they were taken away into captivity and scattered among the nations. From all this it is evident that the real meaning is not what presents itself in the sense of the letter but something else contained in the internal sense. Furthermore without the internal sense one cannot begin to know what all the things said about Joseph imply, namely these:

The son of a fertile one is Joseph, of a fertile one beside a spring; daughters, each one of whom marches onto the wall.

They exasperate him and shoot at him and hate him, do the archers.

He will sit in the strength of his bow, and the arms of his hands will be made strong by the hands of the powerful Jacob; from there is the shepherd, the stone of Israel.

The blessings of his father will prevail over the blessings of his ancestors, even as far as the desire of the everlasting hills.

They will be on the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of the Nazirite among his brothers.

Every single one of these statements is of such a nature that no one can ever know what it really means except from the internal sense.

Latin(1748-1756) 6438

6438. Ex his quae Israel de Josepho {1}praedixit, etiam constare potest quod in singulis internus sensus sit et quod absque illo sensu vix aliquid (x)intelligatur; qui sensum litterae modo spectat {2}credat quod haec quae de Josepho dicta sunt, posteris ejus ex Menashe et Ephraimo contingerent, {3} vers. 1; sed ex historicis de illis in Libris Mosis, Joshuae, Judicum, Samuelis et (x)Regum, non aliquid tale invenitur; non enim illis benedictio fuit prae reliquis; et quoque illi, sicut reliqui, in captivitatem abducti sunt ac dispersi inter gentes; ex quibus patet quod non id significetur quod in sensu litterae exstat sed quod aliud quod in sensu interno. {4}Tum quoque absque sensu interno neutiquam sciri potest quid omnia illa de Josepho involvunt, sicut quod `filius fecundae Joseph, fecundae supra fontem, filiae quae incedit supra murum', quod `exacerbent eum, jaculentur, odio habeant sagittarii', quod `sedebit in valido arcus sui, et roborabuntur brachia manuum ejus a manibus potentis Jacobi, exinde Pastor, Lapis Israelis'; quod `benedictiones patris ejus praevalebunt super benedictionibus genitorum {5}suorum usque ad desiderium collium saeculi', et quod illa `erunt capiti Josephi, et vertici naziraei fratrum ejus'; haec omnia et singula talia sunt ut nusquam aliquis scire queat quid sunt nisi ex sensu inferno. @1 prophetavit$ @2 credet$ @3 i quia dicit Israel, quod diceret illis quid in postremitate dierum illis contingeret$ @4 quod absque illo sensu$ @5 ejus$

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