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属天的奥秘 第677节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]677. To describe the food of people who are to be reborn: Before we can be reborn, we have to be equipped with everything instrumental to rebirth. Good, joyful feelings serve the needs of our will, while truth from the Lord's Word, along with support and confirmation from other sources, serves our intellectual needs. Till we receive this preparation, we cannot be regenerated. Those supplies are our food. That is why we cannot be regenerated before we reach adulthood. But we each have foods particularly appropriate to us that seem to be all our own, and the Lord provides us with them prior to our rebirth.

Potts(1905-1910) 677

677. As regards the food of the man who is to be regenerated, the case is this: Before a man can be regenerated he needs to be furnished with all things that may serve as means-with the goods and delights of the affections as means for the will; and with truths from the Word of the Lord, and also with confirmatory things from other sources, as means for the understanding. Until a man is furnished with such things he cannot be regenerated; these being for food. This is the reason why man is not regenerated until he comes to adult age. But each man has his peculiar and as it were his own food, which is provided for him by the Lord before he is regenerated.

Elliott(1983-1999) 677

677. As regards the food of someone who is to be regenerated, the situation is this: Before anyone can be regenerated he must be supplied with all those things that can serve as means - the goods and delights which constitute affections as means for the will, and truths from the Lord's Word, together also with matters of a confirmatory nature from other sources, as means for the understanding. Until a person has been supplied with these he cannot be regenerated. These are what constitute his food. This explains why a person is not regenerated until he has entered adult years. Everybody however has some particular food so to speak proper to himself, which the Lord provides for him before regeneration takes place.

Latin(1748-1756) 677

677. Quod cibum hominis regenerandi concernit, ita se res habet: antequam regenerari potest homo, instructus debet esse omnibus illis quae pro mediis inservire possunt, bonis et jucundis affectionum pro voluntariis, veris ex Verbo Domini, et confirmantibus quoque aliunde pro intellectualibus; antequam homo talibus instructus est, non regenerari potest; sunt illa cibi; quae causa est quod homo, non nisi quam cum ad adultam aetatem venit, regeneretur: sed unicuique homini peculiares, et quasi proprii, cibi sunt, qui a Domino providentur ei antequam regeneratur.

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