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属天的奥秘 第6828节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6828

6828. And he led the flock behind the wilderness. That this signifies after they had undergone temptations, namely, they who were in the truth of simple good, is evident from the signification of a "flock," as being the church where they are who are in the truth of simple good (of which just above, n. 6827); and from the signification of "wilderness," as being a state of temptation. For a "wilderness" signifies what is but little inhabited and cultivated, and also what is not inhabited and cultivated at all, thus in the spiritual sense a man vastated as to good and desolated as to truth, consequently a man who is in temptation; for he who is in temptation is in vastation and in desolation, because the falsity and evil in him come out and darken and almost take away the influx of truth and good from the Lord; and the truth which flows in does not appear to him to have sufficient life to disperse the falsities and evils. Moreover, evil spirits are then present, who inject grief, and despair of salvation. That a "wilderness" signifies such a state, is evident from very many passages in the Word (see n. 2708); and as a "wilderness" signified a state of temptation, and the number "forty" its duration, however long or short (n. 730, 862, 2272, 2273), therefore the sons of Israel were in the wilderness forty years; and therefore the Lord was in the wilderness forty days when He was tempted (Matt. 4:2; Mark 1:13).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6828

6828. 'And he led the flock to the back of the wilderness' means after the temptations they - those guided by the truth that went with simple good - had undergone. This is clear from the meaning of 'the flock' as the Church where those who were guided by the truth that went with simple good were, dealt with immediately above in 6827; and from the meaning of 'the wilderness' as a state of temptation. 'A wilderness' can mean that which is sparsely inhabited and cultivated or else that which is totally uninhabited and uncultivated, and so in the spiritual sense means a person who has experienced vastation as regards good and desolation as regards truth. It therefore means a person undergoing temptation, for a person undergoing temptation experiences vastation and desolation. The falsity and evil present in him come out into the open, blotting out and virtually removing the influx of truth and good from the Lord. And the truth that does flow in does not seem to that person to possess the kind of life that can dispel falsities and evils. Furthermore evil spirits are present at this time, injecting a feeling of distress and making him despair of salvation. The fact that 'a wilderness' means a state such as this is clear from very many places in the Word, see 2708; and since 'the wilderness' meant a state of temptation, and the number 'forty' meant its duration, of whatever length, 730, 862, 2272, 1273, the children of Israel were for that reason in the wilderness forty years, and the Lord was for the same reason in the wilderness forty days when He was tempted, Matt 4:2; Mark 1:13.

Latin(1748-1756) 6828

6828. `Et duxit gregem post desertum': quod significet postquam tentationes subierunt, nempe illi qui in vero simplicis boni, constat ex significatione `gregis' quod sit Ecclesia ubi illi qui in vero simplicis boni, de qua mox supra n. 6827; et ex significatione `deserti' quod sit status tentationis; `desertum' enim significat parum habitatum et excultum, et quoque prorsus non habitatum et excultum, ita in sensu spirituali hominem vastatum quoad bonum et desolatum quoad verum, proinde hominem qui in tentatione est; qui enim in tentatione est in vastatione est et in desolatione; falsum enim et malum quae apud illum, emergunt, (c)ac obscurant et paene auferunt influxum veri et boni a Domino; verum quod influit nec apparet ei {1} talem vitam habere ut falsa et mala discutiat; {2}adsunt etiam tunc spiritus mali, qui dolorem inferunt, et desperationem de salute. Quod `desertum' talem statum significet, constat ex plurimis locis in Verbo, videatur n. 2708; et quia `desertum' significabat statum tentationis, et numerus `quadraginta' (m)durationem ejus quamcumque, n. 730, 862, 2272, 2273;(n) idcirco filii Israelis erant in deserto quadraginta annis {3}; et idcirco {4} Dominus fuit in deserto quadraginta diebus cum tentatus, Matth. (x)iv 2; Marc. i 13. @1 i non$ @2 inde ei desperatio de salute et dolor$ @3 i et ibi in tentatione$ @4 i etiam$

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