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属天的奥秘 第7112节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7112

7112. Ye shall no more give the people straw. That this signifies the lowest memory-knowledges and the most general of all, is evident from the signification of "chaff" or "straw," as being truths of memory-knowledge (see n. 3114), and indeed memory-knowledges the lowest and most general of all, for the lowest food in a spiritual sense is straw or chaff, because it is the food of beasts. Those knowledges are called lowest which are full of fallacies of the senses, which the evil abuse to pervert goods and truths, and thus to defend evils and falsities; for on account of fallacies these knowledges can be turned in favor of principles of falsity and of cupidities of evil. Moreover such knowledges are the most general of all, and unless they are filled with truths less general and more particular, they may be of service to falsities and evils, but in proportion as they are filled with truths, they are of less service to them. Such are the knowledges whereby they who in the world have professed faith alone, and yet have lived a life of evil, infest the upright in the other life; but as these knowledges are dispelled by the angels, it is now said that they should not give straw to make brick, that is, that they did not add these to the fictitious and false things that would be injected. Such is the internal sense of these words, which indeed appears remote from the sense of the letter; but be it known that there is nothing in the natural world which does not correspond to something in the spiritual world; and the angels with a man understand all things spiritually which the man understands naturally; they do not know what straw is, nor bricks; such things were known to them when they were in the world, but were forgotten when they came into heaven, because there they put on spiritual things. Hence it is that when the angels perceive the ideas of such things with a man, they turn them into corresponding spiritual things. That "straw" or "grass" denotes the lowest memory-knowledge, and that "bricks" denote things fictitious and false, can be seen from many considerations; for all herbage and straw have no other signification; but seeds, barley, wheat, and the like denote interior truths and goods; and stones not artificial denote truths.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7112

7112. 'You Shall longer give the people straw' means factual knowledge, the basest and most general kind of all. This is clear from the meaning of 'straw' as factual truths, dealt with in 3114, in particular the basest and most general kind of factual knowledge, for since 'straw' is the food of beasts 'straw' means the basest kind of food in the spiritual sense. Factual knowledge is said to be the basest when it is full of the illusions of the senses. It is what the evil misuse to pervert forms of good and truth and so lend support to evils and falsities; for on account of the illusions it contains that knowledge can be twisted round in favour of false suppositions and evil desires. That kind of factual knowledge is also the most general of all, and unless it is filled out with less general and more specific truths it can be of use to evils and falsities. But the more it is filled out with truths, the less it can have that kind of use. Such knowledge is the means by which the upright in the next life are molested by those who, when they were in the world, proclaimed belief in faith alone and yet led a life of evil. But because it is banished by the angels the narrative says at this point that they should no longer give the people straw to make bricks, that is, no longer provide such knowledge for producing fabrications and falsities which are to be introduced. This is the internal sense of these words, which does indeed seem remote from the sense of the letter; but it should be recognized that there is nothing in the natural world that does not correspond to some reality in the spiritual world. The angels present with a person understand in a spiritual way everything understood by the person in a natural way. They do not know what straw is, or what bricks are either. Such things were well known to those angels when they were in the world, but they forgot about them when they entered heaven, because there they moved on to spiritual things. This explains why when a person's ideas of such things in the natural world are perceived by angels they convert them into the corresponding spiritual realities. The fact that 'straw' or 'grass' means the basest kind of factual knowledge, and 'bricks' fabrications and falsities, may be seen from a number of considerations; for herbaceous plants, and also those that produce straw, are nothing else than such knowledge. But seeds, barley-grains, wheat-grains, and the like are interior truths and forms of good; and stones that are not man-made are truths.

Latin(1748-1756) 7112

7112. `Non addetis dare paleam populo': quod significet scientifica infima et omnium communissima, constat ex significatione `paleae' seu `straminis' quod sint vera scientifica, de qua n. 3114, et (d)quidem scientifica infima {1}et omnium communissima, nam cibus in spirituali sensu infimus est stramen seu palea, quia est bestiarum. Scientifica infima dicuntur quae fallaciis sensuum plena sunt, quibus mali {2}abutuntur ad pervertendum bona {3}et vera, ac ita ad patrocinandum {4}malis et falsis, nam illa scientifica propter fallacias verti possunt in favorem (d)principiorum falsi et cupiditatum mali; talia etiam sunt omnium communissima, quae nisi veris minus communibus et particularibus implentur, {5} inservire falsis et malis possunt, sed sicut implentur veris, ita minus inserviunt. Talia sunt per quae illi qui solam fidem in mundo confessi sunt, et tamen vitam mali vixerunt, in altera vita probos infestant; at quia illa ab angelis {6} discutiuntur, dicitur nunc quod non adderent dare paleam ad laterificandum lateres, hoc est, quod non adderent illa ad ficticia et {7} falsa quae injicientur. Hic sensus internus horum verborum est, qui quidem remotus apparet a sensu litterae; sed sciendum quod nihil sit in mundo naturali quod non correspondet rei alicui in mundo spirituali; et angeli apud hominem omnia spiritualiter intelligunt quae homo naturaliter; illi non sciunt quid palea nec quid lateres; talia illis nota fuerunt cum erant in mundo, sed oblivioni data cum venerunt in caelum quia induerunt ibi spiritualia; inde est cum angeli appercipiunt ideas talium apud hominem, vertant illa in correspondentia spiritualia. Quod `palea' seu `gramen' sit scientificum infimum, et `lateres' sint ficticia et {7} falsa, ex pluribus constare potest; herbacea enim non aliud sunt, ut et straminea; semina autem, hordea, {8} tritica, et similia, sunt vera et bona interiora; et lapides non facti sunt vera. @1 seu$ @2 utuntur$ @3 in mala et vera in falsa$ @4 suis amoribus malis, nam$ @5 i etiam$ @6 i apud illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali sunt$ @7 i inde$ @8 i et$

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