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属天的奥秘 第7138节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7138

7138. Saying, Wherefore do ye not complete your task in making bricks? That this signifies that they do not receive and communicate the injections of falsities as had been enjoined, is evident from the signification of the "officers" to whom these things are said, as being those who most closely receive and communicate (see n. 7111); from the signification of "completing the task," as being to do as had been enjoined; and from the signification of "making bricks," as being to receive things fictitious and false (n. 7113).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7138

7138. 'Saying, Why do you not finish your appointed task to make bricks' means that they fail to do as they have been commanded, to receive and then pass on the falsities that have been introduced. This is clear from the meaning of 'the officers', to whom these words are addressed, as those in the nearest position to receive things and pass them on, dealt with in 7111; from the meaning of 'finishing the appointed task' as doing as one has been commanded; and from the meaning of 'making bricks' as receiving fabrications and falsities, dealt with in 7113.

Latin(1748-1756) 7138

7138. `Dicendo, Quare non absolvitis statutum vestrum ad laterificandum': (x)quod significet (x)quod non, sicut injunctum est, recipiant et communicent injectiones falsorum, constat ex significatione `moderatorum' ad quos haec dicuntur, quod sint qui proxime recipiunt et communicant, de qua n. 7111; ex significatione `absolvere statutum' quod sit id facere sicut injunctum est; et ex significatione `laterificare' quod sit ficticia et falsa {1}recipere, de qua n. 7113. @1 A had injicere but d$

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