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属天的奥秘 第7341节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7341

7341. And Pharaoh looked back, and came unto his house. That this signifies thought and reflection from falsities, is evident from the signification of "looking back," as being thought and reflection, for in the spiritual sense "to look back" is not to look with the eyes toward anything, but to look with the mind, thus to think and reflect; and from the signification of "Pharaoh's house," as being falsity. For when Pharaoh represents falsity, his house also represents the same; hence "to come unto his house" signifies falsities. And as by these words are signified thought and reflection from falsities, therefore it follows that he "did not set his heart to this;" for he who thinks from falsities does not set his heart to the Divine which gives warning.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7341

7341. 'And Pharaoh looked back and went to his house' means thought and reflection based on falsities. This is clear from the meaning of 'looking back' as thought and reflection, for in the spiritual sense 'looking back' is not looking at something with one's eyes but looking mentally, thus thinking and reflecting; and from the meaning of 'Pharaoh's house' as falsity. For when 'Pharaoh' represents falsity his 'house' has the same meaning; and therefore 'going to his house' means [turning to] falsities. And since these words mean thought and reflection based on falsities, the phrase about his not taking this to heart follows. For a person whose thought is based on falsities does not take it to heart when the Divine warns him.

Latin(1748-1756) 7341

7341. `Et respexit Pharao, et venit ad domum suam': quod significet cogitationem et reflexionem ex falsis, constat ex significatione `respicere' quod sit cogitatio et reflexio, nam `respicere' in sensu spirituali non est spectare oculis versus {1}aliquid, sed est spectare mente, ita cogitare et reflectere; et ex significatione `domus Pharaonis' quod sit falsum; cum enim `Pharao' repraesentat falsum, etiam idem domus ejus; inde `venire ad domum suam' significat {2} falsa; {3}et qui; per illa verba significatur cogitatio et reflexio ex falsis, ideo sequitur quod `non {4}posuerit cor {5} ad hoc, nam qui ex falsis cogitat non ponit cor ad Divinum quod admonet. @1 aliquod$ @2 i ad$ @3 et quare etiam$ @4 posuit$ @5 i suum$

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