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属天的奥秘 第7536节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7536

7536. Verses 13-18. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus said Jehovah the God of the Hebrews, Let My people go, that they may serve Me. For I this time will send all My plagues into thy heart, and into thy servants, and into thy people; that thou mayest know that there is no one as I in the whole earth. For now I would put forth My hand, and smite thee and thy people with pestilence, and thou wouldest be cut off from the earth; but yet for this cause have I made thee to stand, that thou mayest see My power, and that My name may be told in the whole earth. As yet thou exaltest thyself against My people, in thy not letting them go. Behold, tomorrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such as hath not been in Egypt since the day it was founded even until now. "And Jehovah said unto Moses," signifies instruction again as to what was to be done; "Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh," signifies the uplifting by means of presence of the attention of those who infest; "and say unto him, Thus said Jehovah the God of the Hebrews," signifies a command from the Lord, who is the God of the church; "Let My people go that they may serve Me," signifies that they should leave those who are of the spiritual church that they may worship the Lord their God; "for this time I will send all My plagues," signifies that it might come to pass that all the coming evils would together rush upon them; "into thy heart," signifies into the inmost; "and into thy servants, and into thy people," signifies into all things in general and in particular; "that thou mayest know that there is no one as I in the whole earth," signifies made known to them from this that the Lord is the only God; "for now I would put forth My hand," signifies that all communication might be taken away; "and smite thee and thy people with pestilence," signifies thus total devastation; "and thou wouldest be cut off from the earth," signifies that thus there would no longer be communication through the things that belong to the church; "but yet for this cause have I made thee to stand," signifies that communication would still remain, and they will pass through states by reason of order; "that thou mayest see My power," signifies that they may notice how great the Divine power is; "and that My name may be told in the whole earth," signifies that thus where the church is the Lord may be acknowledged as the only God; "as yet thou exaltest thyself against My people," signifies because he does not yet desist from infesting those who are in truth and good; "in thy not letting them go," signifies and does not as yet leave them; "behold, tomorrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail," signifies falsities destroying all things of the church with them; "such as hath not been in Egypt since the day it was founded even until now" signifies that with others there is no such destruction in the natural mind.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7536

7536. Verses 13-18 And Jehovah said to Moses, Rise up in the morning early, and stand before Pharaoh; and you are to say to him,

Thus said Jehovah the God of the Hebrews, Send My people away, and let them serve Me. For this time I am sending all My plagues onto your heart, and onto your servants, and onto your people, in order that you may know that there is none like Me in the whole earth. For now I could stretch outa My hand, and strike you and your people with pestilence, and you would be cut off from the earth. But yet for this reason have I caused you to standb - for you to see My power, and in order that My name may be declared in the whole earth. You go on exalting yourself against My people by not sending them away. Behold, about this time tomorrow I am causing it to rain an extremely heavy hail, of which there has not been the like in Egypt from the day it was founded even until now.

'And Jehovah said to Moses' means further instruction about what had to be done. 'Rise up in the morning early, and stand before Pharaoh' means raising those engaged in molestation to a higher level of awareness, by being present with them. 'And you are to say to him, Thus said Jehovah the God of the Hebrews' means a command from the Lord, who is the God of the Church. 'Send My people away, and let them serve Me' means that they should leave those who belong to the spiritual Church, in order that these may worship the Lord their God. 'For this time I am sending all My plagues' means that it would be possible for the evil things yet to come to rush in on them all together. 'Onto your heart' means into what is inmost. 'Onto your servants, and onto your people' means into every single part. 'In order that you may know that there is none like Me in the whole earth' means that they would know from this that the Lord was the only God. 'For now I could stretch out My hand' means that all communication could be taken away. 'And strike you and your people with pestilence' means so that total devastation would be effected. 'And you would be cut off from the earth' means that thus there would be no communication any longer through things of the Church. 'But yet for this reason have I caused you to stand' means that nevertheless communication would continue, and states would run their orderly course. 'For you to see My power' means so that they may ascertain how great God's power is. 'And in order that My name may be declared in the whole earth' means that thus the Lord may be acknowledged, where the Church exists, as the only God. 'You go on exalting yourself against My people' means because he does not yet refrain from molesting those guided by truth and governed by good. 'By not sending them away' means and still does not leave. 'Behold, about this time tomorrow I am causing it to rain an extremely heavy hail' means falsities destroying all things of the Church among them. 'Of which there has not been the like in Egypt from the day it was founded even until now' means that no such destruction happens to any others in their natural mind.


a lit. send
b i.e. have raised you up

Latin(1748-1756) 7536

7536. Vers. 13-18. Et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen, Surge mane in matutino, et consiste coram Pharaone, et dicas ad illum, ita dixit Jehovah Deus Hebraeorum, Dimitte populum Meum, (x)et serviant Mihi. Quia vice hac Ego mittens omnes plagas Meas in cor tuum, et in servos tuos, et in populum tuum, propterea ut scias quod nullus sicut Ego in tota terra. Quia nunc mitterem manum Meam, et percuterem te et populum tuum peste, et exscindereris e terra. Verum tamen propter hoc stare feci te, propter videre te virtutem Meam, et propterea ut narretur nomen Meum in tota terra. Adhuc tu extollis te in populum Meum, quo minus dimittas illos. Ecce Ego facio pluere juxta tempus crastinum grandinem gravem valde, quae non fuit sicut illa in Aegypto a die fundata illa et usque ad nunc. `Et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen' significat iterum instructionem quid agendum: `Surge mane in matutino, et consiste coram Pharaone' significat elevationem attentionis illorum qui infestant, per praesentiam: `et dicas ad illum, Ita dixit Jehovah Deus Hebraeorum' significat mandatum a Domino, qui Deus Ecclesiae: `Dimitte populum Meum, et serviant Mihi' significat ut relinquant illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, ut colant Dominum Deum suum: `quia vice hac Ego mittens omnes plagas Meas' significat quod fieri posset ut omnia mala ventura {1}in illos simul irruerent: `in cor tuum' significat in intimum: `in servos tuos, et in populum tuum' significat in omnia et singula: `propterea ut scias quod nullus sicut Ego in tota terra' significat eis notum inde quod Dominus solus Deus: `quia nunc mitterem manum Meam' significat quod omnis communicatio adimi posset: `et percuterem te et populum tuum peste' significat ita devastationem totalem: `et exscindereris e terra' significat quod sic non communicatio amplius per illa quae Ecclesiae: `verum tamen propter hoc stare feci te' significat quod adhuc permaneret communicatio, et {2}percurrerent status ex ordine: `propter videre te virtutem Meam' significat ut appercipiant quanta est potentia Divina: `et propterea ut narretur nomen Meum in tota terra' significat ut sic agnoscatur Dominus pro solo Deo ubi Ecclesia: `adhuc tu extollis te in populum Meum' significat quia nondum desistit infestare illos qui in vero et bono: `quo minus dimittas illos' significat et non adhuc relinquit: `ecce Ego facio pluere juxta tempus crastinum grandinem gravem valde' significat falsa destruentia omnia Ecclesiae apud illos: `quae non sicut illa in Aegypto a die fundata illa et usque ad nunc' significat quod talis destructio non apud alios in mente naturali. @1 After simul I$ @2 percurreret$

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