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属天的奥秘 第8028节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8028

8028. From this it could be seen how the case is with the order in heaven, and from this in the world; namely that when angels are about to come, a spirit is sent before to prepare the way, and that he excites fear, and gives admonition to receive the angels courteously; and that he interrupts; also that at first he does not understand what the angels speak, but afterward when he has been reduced to a better state he understands; in a word, that he is continually at hand, and prepares the lower mind, and endeavors to avert things unworthy. In regard to this there occurred to me a thought about John the Baptist, that it was according to the order of heaven for him to be sent before and announce the coming of the Lord, and that he should prepare the way that He might be worthily received, according to what is written in Matt. 3:3; Luke 1:17; 3:4; John 1:23.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8028

8028. All that had happened went to show the orderly way in which things are done in heaven and therefore on earth - the way things are done when angels are about to arrive. A spirit is sent on ahead to prepare the way. He then produces a feeling of fear in people, and warns them to receive the angels in a kindly manner. He injects remarks, though at first he does not understand what it is the angels are declaring. But after he has been brought into a better state he does understand. In short, the spirit is present throughout, preparing the mind and trying to forestall anything disrespectful. All this made me think about John the Baptist, that in keeping with heavenly order he was sent on ahead to proclaim the Lord's Coming and to prepare the way for Him to be received respectfully, as stated in Matthew 3:3; Luke 1:17; 3:4; John 1:23.

Latin(1748-1756) 8028

8028. Exinde constare potuit quomodo se res habet secundum ordinem caelo et inde in terrarum orbe, nempe, cum venturi angeli, quod praemittatur spiritus qui praeparet viam, quodque is timorem incutiat, atque moneat ut angelos humaniter excipiant, et quod interloquatur, tum quod primum non intelligat quid angeli loquuntur, sed postea cum in meliorem statum redactus est, quod intelligat; verbo, quod jugiter adsit ac animum praeparet ac avertere indigna conetur. Circa haec obveniebat mihi cogitatio de Johanne Baptista, quod secundum ordinem caeli esset ut is {1}praemitteretur et annuntiaret Adventum Domini, ac praepararet viam ut digne reciperetur, secundum illa apud Matthaeum iii 3; Luc. i 17, iii 4; Joh. i 23. @1 praemissus$

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