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属天的奥秘 第8469节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8469

8469. According to the number of your souls. That this signifies enough for all in the society, namely, of the good of truth which is signified by "the manna," is evident from the signification of "according to the number of the souls," as being sufficient for all in the society. For when by "an omer a head" is signified enough for everyone, by "according to the number of the souls" is signified enough for all in the society. The subject here treated of is the good of those who are of the Lord's spiritual kingdom, which good is signified by "the manna," and that sufficient of this will be given for everyone and sufficient for the society; for each house of the sons of Israel represented one society in heaven (see n. 7836, 7891, 7996, 7997). As regards the societies in heaven the case is this. Heaven consists of countless societies, which are distinct one from another. Each society has a general good distinct from the good of other societies; and also each one in a society has a particular good distinct from the good of all others in the society. From the distinct goods of those who are in the society, which are thus various, but yet accordant, there is produced a form, which is called "the heavenly form." The universal heaven consists of such forms. Relatively to goods these conjunctions are called "forms," but relatively to persons they are called "societies." These things were represented by the distinctions of the sons of Israel into tribes, families, and houses.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8469

8469. 'The number of your souls' means the amount for all in a community, that is to say, the amount of the good of truth meant by 'the manna'. This is clear from the meaning of 'according to the number of souls' as the amount sufficient for all in a community. For when 'an omer a head' means the amount sufficient for each individual, 'according to the number of souls' means the amount for all in a community. The subject here is good as it exists with those who belong to the Lord's spiritual kingdom, the good which is meant by 'the manna' and which will be given in an amount sufficient for each person and sufficient for a community. For each household among the children of Israel represented one community in heaven, 7836, 7891, 7996, 7997.

The situation with the communities in heaven is that heaven is made up of countless communities that are distinct and separate from one another. All in each community share a common good, which is distinct from the good of other communities. Also each member of a community possesses a particular kind of good, distinct from the good any other in the community possesses. The different kinds of good that members of a community possess, which are distinct and so various but nevertheless compatible, compose a form called a heavenly form. Heaven as a whole is made of such forms. They are called forms when they are thought of as combinations of good, but communities when they are thought of as combinations of persons. These things were represented by the divisions of the children of Israel into tribes, families, and households.

Latin(1748-1756) 8469

8469. `Numerum animarum vestrarum': quod significet quantum omnibus in societate, nempe bonum veri quod per `mannam' significatur, constat ex significatione `ad numerum animarum' quod sit quantum satis ad omnes in societate; cum enim per `omerem ad caput' significatur quantum satis cuique, per `ad numerum animarum' significatur quantum {1}omnibus in societate. Agitur hic de bono quod illis qui (c)e regno spirituali Domini, quod bonum significatur per `mannam' et quod hoc {2}dabitur quantum satis erit cuique, et quantum satis erit societati; unaquaevis enim domus ex filiis Israelis repraesentabat unam societatem in caelo, n. 7836, 7891, 7996, 7997. 2 Cum societatibus in caelo ita se habet: caelum consistit ex innumeris societatibus, quae inter se distinctae sunt {3}; unaquaevis societas habet bonum commune distinctum a bono aliarum societatum, unusquisque {4}etiam in societate habet bonum particulare distinctum a bono alterius in societate; ex bonis illorum qui in societate distinctis, et sic variis, at usque congruis, (x)fit forma, quae forma caelestis vocatur; universum caelum ex talibus formis consistit; {5}conjunctiones illae vocantur formae respective ad bona, {6}at societates respective ad personas; haec repraesentabantur per distinctiones filiorum Israelis in tribus, familias, et domos. @1 ad omnes$ @2 unicuique dabitur quantum quisquis recipere potest, et quoque dabitur$ @3 i in genere, in specie, et in particulari$ @4 autem$ @5 quae$ @6 sed$

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