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属天的奥秘 第8549节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8549

8549. Man is not born of his parents into spiritual life, but into natural life. Spiritual life is to love God above all things, and to love the neighbor as oneself, and this according to the commandments of faith which the Lord has taught in the Word. But natural life is to love self and the world above the neighbor, yea above God Himself.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8549

8549. A person does not receive spiritual life by birth from his parents, only natural life. Spiritual life consists in loving God above all things and loving one's neighbour as oneself, and doing so in accordance with the commandments of faith taught by the Lord in the Word. But natural life consists in loving self and the world more than the neighbour, indeed more than God Himself.

Latin(1748-1756) 8549

8549. Homo a parentibus non nascitur in vitam spiritualem sed in vitam naturalem; vita spiritualis est amare Deum supra omnia et amare proximum sicut seipsum, et hoc secundum praecepta fidei, quae Dominus in Verbo docuerat; vita autem naturalis est amare se et mundum prae proximo, immo prae Ipso Deo.

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