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属天的奥秘 第8552节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8552

8552. These evils are utterly contrary to spiritual life. They destroy it. Therefore unless in respect to his spiritual life a man is conceived anew, born anew, and reared anew, that is, created anew by the Lord, he is damned, for he wills nothing else, and consequently thinks nothing else, than what is of hell.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8552

8552. These evils are completely contrary to spiritual life; they destroy it. Therefore unless a person receives spiritual life from the Lord by being conceived anew, born anew, and brought up anew, that is, created anew, he is damned. For nothing except what is of hell occupies his will and consequently his thinking.

Latin(1748-1756) 8552

8552. Haec mala sunt prorsus contraria vitae spirituali, destruunt illam, quapropter nisi homo a Domino, quoad vitam spiritualem, e novo concipitur, e novo nascitur, et e novo educatur, hoc est, e novo creatur, est damnatus, nam nihil aliud {1}vult, et inde nihil aliud cogitat, quam quod inferni est. @1 cogitat et vult$

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