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属天的奥秘 第863节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]863. Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made symbolizes the second state, when religious truth appeared to them. This can be seen from the final words of the last verse (saying that the heads of the mountains appeared) and their meaning; from the symbolism of a window; and from the fact that this is the first moment of light. A window, dealt with above at 655, symbolizes the intellectual side of things and consequently religious truth, which is the same thing.
As for the intellectual realm or the religious truth that the window symbolizes, I must make the same remark as before [854, 859]: No religious truth is at all possible unless it develops out of the goodness that goes with love or with charity, just as nothing truly belongs to the intellect unless it rises out of something in the will. If you take away volition, there is no comprehension, as demonstrated several times already [112, 585, 590, 628]. So if you take away charity, there is no faith.
But since the human will is undiluted greed, the Lord made a miraculous provision to prevent us from plunging the contents of the intellect — religious truth — into our selfish desires. He divided what belongs to the intellect from our will by the specific means of conscience, which he infuses with charity. Without this miraculous act of providence, no one could ever have been saved.

Potts(1905-1910) 863

863. That Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. That this signifies a second state when the truths of faith appeared to him, is evident from the last words of the preceding verse: "the tops of the mountains appeared;" and from their signification, as also from the signification of a "window" (see n. 655) as being the understanding, or, what is the same, the truth of faith; and likewise from this being the first dawning of light. Concerning the understanding, or the truth of faith, signified by a "window" it may be observed here as above, that no truth of faith is possible except from the good of love or of charity, as there can be no true understanding except from what is of the will. If you remove what is of the will, there is no understanding, as has been often shown before; and so if you remove charity, there is no faith; but as the will of man is mere cupidity, in order to prevent the immersion of what is of his understanding, or the truth of faith, in his cupidity, the Lord has wonderfully provided that what is of the understanding should be separated from what is of the will of man, by a certain medium, which is conscience, and in which He may implant charity. Without this wonderful providence no one could ever have been saved.

Elliott(1983-1999) 863

863. 'Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made means a further state when the truths of faith appeared to him. This becomes clear from the final words of the previous verse, which state that 'the tops of the mountains appeared'. It becomes clear from the meaning of those words, and also from the meaning of 'a window', dealt with already in 655, as that which constitutes the understanding part of the mind, or what consequently amounts to the same, the truth of faith. It becomes clear too from the fact that this is the first glimmer of light. The same observation made already about that which constitutes the understanding part, namely the truth of faith, being meant by 'a window must be made here. It is this: No truth of faith can possibly exist unless it originates in good stemming from love or charity, just as nothing that truly constitutes the understanding exists unless it comes from the will. Take away the will and no understanding exists, as shown several times already. Take away charity therefore and no faith exists. But because man's will is nothing else than evil desire the Lord has miraculously taken steps to prevent that which constitutes the understanding part, which is the truth of faith, being immersed in his evil desire, and has separated the understanding part of man's mind from the will part by means of a certain go-between, namely conscience, to which charity is added by the Lord. Without this miraculous provision nobody could ever have been saved.

Latin(1748-1756) 863

863. Quod 'aperuit Noah fenestram arcae, quam fecit' significet statum alterum, cum vera fidei ei apparerent, constare Potest ab ultimis verbis versus praecedentis, quod 'apparuerint capita montium,' et de illorum significatione; tum a significatione 'fenestrae,' de qua prius, n. 655, quod sit intellectuale, proinde verum fidei, quod idem est; et ex eo quod hoc sit primum lucis. De intellectuali seu vero fidei, per 'fenestram' significato, idem hic observandum quod prius, nempe quod nusquam aliquod verum fidei dari queat risi a bono amoris aut charitatis, sicut nusquam aliquod vere intellectuale nisi a voluntario; si removes voluntarium, nullum intellectuale est, ut prius aliquoties ostensum, ita si removes charitatem, nulla est fides: sed quia hominis voluntas est mera cupiditas, ne intellectuale seu verum fidei cupiditati ejus immergeretur, Dominus miraculose providit, et distinxit intellectuale ab hominis voluntario per medium quoddam quod est conscientia, cui charitas a Domino inditur; absque miraculosa hac providentia nusquam aliquis salvari potuisset.

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