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属天的奥秘 第8889节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8889

8889. And the seventh day is the Sabbath to Jehovah thy God. That this signifies good implanted and thus the marriage, is evident from the signification of "the Sabbath," as being the heavenly marriage (see above, n. 8886), thus good implanted by means of truths, and afterward formed by them; for the good with man is not spiritual good until it has been formed by truths; and when it has been so formed, there is then the heavenly marriage; for this is the conjunction of good and truth, and is heaven itself with man. From this also it is that "the seventh day" signifies a holy state. (That "day" denotes state, see n. 8888; and that "seven" denotes what is holy, n. 395, 433, 716, 881, 5265.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 8889

8889. 'And the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God' means when good has been implanted and so the marriage exists. This is clear from the meaning of 'the sabbath' as the heavenly marriage, dealt with above in 8886, thus good which has been implanted through truths and after that given form by them. For good with a person is not spiritual good until it has been given form by truths. And when it has been given form the heavenly marriage exists, since this marriage is good and truth joined together and constitutes heaven itself with a person. All this also goes to explain why 'the seventh day' means a holy state, state being meant by 'day', see 8888, and holy by 'seven', 395, 433, 716, 881, 5265.

Latin(1748-1756) 8889

8889. `Et dies septimus sabbatum Jehovae Deo tuo': quod significet bonum implantatum et sic conjugium, constat ex significatione `sabbati' quod sit conjugium caeleste, de qua supra n. 8886 {1}, ita bonum per vera implantatum et postea ab his formatum, nam bonum apud hominem non prius est bonum spirituale quam cum formatum est a veris; et cum formatum est, tunc est conjugium caeleste, nam hoc est conjunctio boni et veri, ac est ipsum caelum apud hominem;(n) inde quoque est quod `dies septimus' significet {2} statum sanctum; quod `dies' sit status, videatur n. 8888, et quod' `septem' sint sanctum, n. 395, 433, 716, 881, (x)5265. @1 A, but see note 7.$ @2 quod sabbathum sit conjugium coeleste, videatur supra n. 8886; inde dies septimus significat$

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