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属天的奥秘 第9187节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9187

9187. Verses 17-19. Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live. Everyone that lieth with a beast, dying he shall die. He that sacrificeth to gods, save to Jehovah alone, shall be accursed. "A sorceress" signifies those in whom something of the church has been conjoined with the falsities of the evil of the love of self; "thou shalt not suffer to live," signifies the deprivation of spiritual life; "everyone that lieth with a beast," signifies conjunction with the evils of the cupidities of the love of self; "dying he shall die," signifies damnation; "he that sacrificeth to gods," signifies the worship of falsities from evil; "shall be accursed" signifies a casting out; "save to Jehovah alone," signifies that the Lord, who is the one and only God, is to be worshiped.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9187

9187. Verses 18-20 A sorceress you shall not keep alive. Anyone lying with a beast shall surely die. He who sacrifices to the gods shall be utterly destroyed - except to Jehovah alone. 'A sorceress' means those with whom something of the Church has been joined to falsities arising from the evil of self-love. 'You shall not keep alive' means the deprivation of spiritual life. 'Anyone lying with a beast' means being joined to the evils that belong to the desires of self-love. 'Shall surely die' means damnation. 'He who sacrifices to the gods' means worship composed of falsities arising from evil. 'Shall be utterly destroyed' means being cast out. 'Except to Jehovah alone' means that the Lord, who is the one and only God, is to be worshipped.

Latin(1748-1756) 9187

9187. Vers. 17-19. Praestigiatricem non vivificabis. Omnis cubans cum bestia, moriendo morietur. Sacrificans diis devovebitur, praeterquam Jehovae soli. `Praestigiatricem' significat illos apud quos aliquid Ecclesiae conjunctum est falsis mali amoris sui {1}: `non vivificabis' significat deprivationem vitae spiritualis {2}: `omnis cubans cum bestia' significat conjunctionem cum malis cupiditatum amoris sui: `moriendo morietur' significat damnationem: `sacrificans diis' significat cultum falsorum ex malo: `devovebitur' significat ejectionem: `praeterquam Jehovae soli' significat quod Dominus, Qui solus et unicus Deus, sit colendus. @1 conjunctionem cum falsis ex malo amoris. Similar words appear in a primary draft of n. 9188.$ @2 damnationem$

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