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属天的奥秘 第937节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]937. The above also shows what the Lord's Word is like in its inner meaning. In its literal sense it seems so unsophisticated that we necessarily see it as speaking only of sowing and reaping, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, when in reality these details involve secrets that were known to the ancient or spiritual church. The actual, literal words act in just this way — as extremely ordinary containers, so to speak, whose finer details hold heavenly secrets in such great number and of such great importance that not one millionth of them could ever be fully explored. When angels look with the Lord's eyes at those common, everyday words, drawn from an earthly vocabulary, they can see the whole process of regeneration and also the condition of both a regenerating and a regenerate person, in all their boundless variety. Humankind, on the other hand, sees hardly anything.

Potts(1905-1910) 937

937. From all this it is evident what the nature of the Lord's Word is in the internal sense. In the sense of the letter it appears so unpolished as to give no hint of anything being spoken of but seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night, when yet all these things involve arcana of the Ancient, that is, of the Spiritual, Church. The very words in the sense of the letter are of this character, thus are so to speak most general vessels, each one of which contains so many and such great arcana of heaven as to be inexhaustible even as to the one ten-thousandth part of it; for in these most general words, taken as they are from earthly things, the angels-from the Lord-can see, in illimitable variety, the whole process of regeneration, and the state of the man who is to be and who has been regenerated, while man can see scarcely anything.

Elliott(1983-1999) 937

937. All this evidence shows the nature of the Word of the Lord in the internal sense. What appears in the sense of the letter is so gross that nothing more can be recognized than statements about seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night. Yet these phrases embody the arcana of the Ancient or spiritual Church. Such is the nature of the actual words in the sense of the letter, so that they are like very general vessels, every single one of which contains so many and such vast heavenly arcana that not even one ten-thousandth can possibly be brought to the surface. For while man can see scarcely anything, angels are enabled from the Lord to see with unending variety, in those very general words based on earthly images, the whole process of regeneration, and the state both of those who have yet to be regenerated and of those who are regenerated.

Latin(1748-1756) 937

937. Ex his quoque constare potest quale est Verbum Domini in sensu interno; in sensu litterae tam rude apparet ut non aliud sciatur quam quod solum dicatur de sementi et messe, de frigore et aestu, de aestate et hieme, deque die et nocte, cum tamen involvant arcana Ecclesiae Antiquae seu spiritualis; ipsa verba in sensu litterae sunt talia, ita communissima quasi vasa, in quorum singulis tot et tanta arcana caelestia continentur ut nusquam quoad partem unius myriadis exhauriri queant; nam angeli, ex Domino, in verbis istis tam communissimis, desumptis ex terrestribus, ridere possunt, cum indefinita varietate, totum processum regenerationis, et statum regenerandi ac regenerati, cum homo vix quicquam.

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