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属天的奥秘 第9614节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9614

9614. Verses 7-14. And thou shalt make curtains of goats' [hair] for a Tent over the Habitation, eleven curtains shalt thou make them. The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth four cubits, for one curtain; one measure for the eleven curtains. And thou shalt join together five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shalt double the sixth curtain over against the faces of the Tent. And thou shalt make fifty loops upon the edge of the one uttermost curtain in the joining, and fifty loops upon the edge of the curtain of the second joining. And thou shalt make fifty hooks of brass, and thou shalt bring the hooks into the loops, and shalt join together the Tent, that it may be one. And that which superaboundeth over and above in the curtains of the Tent, the half of the curtain that is over and above thou shalt make to superabound over the hinder parts of the Habitation. And the cubit on the one side, and the cubit on the other side, in that which is over and above in the length of the curtains of the Tent, shall superabound over the sides of the Habitation on this side and on that, to cover it. And thou shalt make for the Tent a covering of skins of red rams, and a covering of badgers' skins above. "And thou shalt make curtains of goats' [hair] for a tent over the Habitation" signifies the external of heaven, which is from the truths that are from external celestial good; "eleven curtains shalt thou make them" signifies all the truths from which it is; "the length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits" signifies the fullness of truth from good; "and the breadth four cubits" signifies the marriage of truth with good; "for one curtain" signifies thus in each of the truths; "one measure for the eleven curtains" signifies a like state of the matter; "and thou shalt join together five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves" signifies the constant communication of truth with good, and of good with truth; "and shalt double the sixth curtain over against the faces of the Tent" signifies the communication of all who are of that heaven with the extremes there, and influx thence into the ultimate heaven; "and thou shalt make fifty loops upon the edge of the one uttermost curtain in the joining" signifies the complete conjunction of one sphere with the other; "and fifty loops upon the edge of the curtain of the second joining" signifies in like manner reciprocally; "and thou shalt make fifty hooks of brass" signifies a full capability of conjunction by external good; "and thou shalt bring the hooks into the loops" signifies the method of the conjunction; "and shalt join together the Tent, that it may be one" signifies the external of heaven thus altogether one; "and that which superaboundeth over and above in the curtains of the Tent" signifies that which proceeds; "the half of the curtain that is over and above, thou shalt make to superabound over the hinder parts of the Habitation" signifies to the ultimate of this heaven; "and the cubit on the one side, and the cubit on the other side, in that which is over and above in the length of the curtains of the Tent, shall superabound over the sides of the habitation, on this side and that, to cover it" signifies the method by which this ultimate proceeds from good, in order that heaven may be rendered safe; "and thou shalt make a covering for the Tent" signifies the circumference of this heaven; "of skins of red rams" signifies external truths from good; "and a covering of badgers' skins above" signifies outside of these from external good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9614

9614. Verses 7-14 And you shall make curtains from [she-]goatsa to be a tent over the dwelling-place; eleven curtains you shall make them. The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth four cubits; [this is what] one curtain [shall be]. The eleven curtains shall have one measure. And you shall join five curtains together by themselves, and six curtains by themselves; and you shall double over the sixth curtain at the forefront of the tent. And you shall make fifty loops on the edge of one end curtain in the joining-place, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain of the complementary joining-place. And you shall make fifty clasps of bronze, and put the clasps into the loops, and join the tent together, that it may be one. And the additional part that trails backwards in the curtains of the tent, the half of the additional curtain, shall trailb over the back of the dwelling-place. And a cubit on one side and a cubit on the other side in the additional part in the length of the curtains of the tent shall trail over the sides of the dwelling-place on this side and on that side, to cover it. And you shall make a covering for the tent from the skins of red rams, and a covering from the skins of badgers above that. 'And you shall make curtains from [she-]goats to be a tent over the dwelling-place' means the external part of heaven which consists of the truths derived from external celestial good. 'Eleven curtains you shall make them' means all the truths that it consists of. 'The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits' means the completeness of the truth derived from good. 'And the breadth four cubits' means the marriage of truth to good. '[This is what] one curtain [shall be]' means so shall it be for the individual truths. 'The eleven curtains shall have one measure' means that the state of affairs shall be the same [with each one]. 'And you shall join five curtains together by themselves, and six curtains by themselves' means unceasing communication of truth with good and of good with truth. 'And you shall double over the sixth curtain at the forefront of the tent' means the communication of all the realities of that heaven with the outermost parts there, and influx from these into the lowest heaven. 'And you shall make fifty loops on the edge of one end curtain in the joining-place' means a complete joining of one sphere to the other. 'And fifty loops on the edge of the curtain of the complementary joining-place' means a reciprocal joining of the same kind. 'And you shall make fifty clasps of bronze' means a complete ability derived from external good to join things together. 'And put the clasps into the loops' means the mode of the joining together. 'And join the tent together, that it may be one' means that the external part of the heaven is as a result altogether one. 'And the additional part that trails backwards in the curtains of the tent' means an extension. 'The half of the additional curtain, shall trail over the back of the dwelling-place' means to the last and lowest part of that heaven. 'And a cubit on one side and a cubit on the other side in the additional part in the length of the curtains of the tent shall trail over the sides of the dwelling-place on this side and on that side, to cover it' means the mode by which that last and lowest part extends from good, in order that the heaven may be rendered safe. 'And you shall make a covering for the tent' means a mantle around that heaven. 'From the skins of red rams' means [consisting of] external truths derived from good. 'And a covering from the skins of badgers above that' means outside that [another mantle], derived from external good.


a i.e. goats' wool, see 9470.
b lit. you shall cause to flow backwards

Latin(1748-1756) 9614

9614. Vers. 7-14. Et facies aulaea capris ad tentorium super habitaculo, undecim aulaea facies illa. Longitudo aulaei unius triginta in cubito, et latitudo quattuor in cubito, aulaeum unum, mensura una undecim aulaeis. Et conjunges quinque aulaea solum, et sex aulaea solum et duplicabis aulaeum sextum e regione facierum tentorii. Et facies quinquaginta loramenta super ora aulaei unius extremi in junctura, et quinquaginta loramenta super ora aulaei juncturae alterius. Et facies ansulas aeri quinquaginta, et induces ansulas in loramenta, et conjunges tentorium ut sit unum. Et redundans superfluum in aulaeis tentorii, dimidium aulae superflui redundare facies super posteriora habitaculi. Et cubitus hinc et cubitus illinc in superfluo in longitudine aulaeorum tentorii erit redundans super lateribus habitaculi hinc et illinc ad tegendum illud. Et facies tegumentum tentorio pellibus arietum rubrorum, et tegumentum pellibus melium desuper. `Et facies aulaea capris ad tentorium super habitaculo significat externum caeli quod ex veris quae ex bono externo caelesti: `undecim aulaea facies illa' significat omnia vera ex quibus: `longitudo aulaei unius triginta in cubito' significat plenum veri ex bono: `et latitudo quattuor in cubito' significat conjugium veri cum bono: `aulaeum unum' significat ita singulis veris: `mensura una undecim aulaeis' significat statum rei similem: `et conjunges quinque aulaea solum, et sex aulaea solum' significat communicationem veri cum bono (c)et boni cum vero constantem: `et duplicabis aulaeum sextum e regione facierum tentorii' significat communicationem omnium illius caeli cum extremis ibi, et influxum inde in caelum ultimum: `et facies quinquaginta loramenta super ora aulaei unius extremi in junctura' significat plenariam conjunctionem unius sphaerae cum altera: `et quinquaginta loramenta super ora aulaei juncturae alterius' significat similiter reciproce: `et facies ansulas aeris quinquaginta' significat plenariam facultatem conjunctionis a bono externo: `et induces ansulas in loramenta' significat modum conjunctionis: `et conjunges tentorium, ut {1} sit unum' significat externum caeli ita prorsus unum: `et redundans superfluum in aulaeis tentorii' significat procedens: `dimidium aulaei superflui redundare facies super posteriora habitaculi' significat ad ultimum illius caeli: `et cubitus hinc et cubitus illinc in superfluo in longitudine aulaeorum tentorii erit redundans super lateribus habitaculi hinc et illinc ad tegendum illud' significat modum quo ultimum illud procedit a bono ut caelum tutum reddatur: `et facies tegumentum tentorio' significat caeli illius ambitum: `pellibus arietum rubrorum' significat externa vera ex bono {2}: `et tegumentum pellibus melium desuper' significat extra `illum' ex bono externo {2}. @1 et AIT$ @2 i n. 9471$ @3 illa IT$

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