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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1017

1017. So great an earthquake. That this signifies that the church was no more, is evident from what has been said, so far, in this chapter concerning the church, and before concerning faith alone, which at this day constitutes the church.

Continuation concerning the Seventh Precept:-

When a man abstains from hatred, and turns away from it, and shuns it as diabolical, then flow in through heaven from the Lord, love, charity, mercy, and clemency; and then, for the first time, the works which he does are the works of love and charity, whereas the works which he previously did, however good they might appear to be in the external form, were all works of the love of self and of the world, wherein hatred lurked on that account if not rewarded.

So long as hatred is not put away, so long a man is merely natural, and such a man remains in all his hereditary evil. Nor can he become spiritual before hatred, with its root, which is the love of ruling over all, is removed. For the fire of heaven, which is spiritual love, cannot flow in so long as the fire of hell, which is hatred, opposes and shuts it out.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1017

1017. Such an earthquake, so great, signifies that the church was no more. This is evident from what has been said thus far in this chapter about the church, and before about faith alone, which at this day constitutes the church.

(Continuation respecting the Seventh Commandment)

When a man abstains from hatred and turns away from it and shuns it as diabolical, then love, charity, mercy and clemency flow in through heaven from the Lord, and then first the works which he does are works of love and charity. The works he had done before, however good might be their appearance in the external form, were all works of the love of self and of the world, in which hatred lurked whenever they were not rewarded. So long as hatred is not put away so long man is merely natural; and the merely natural man remains in all his inherited evil, nor can he become spiritual before hatred, with its root, which is the love of ruling over all, is removed; for the fire of heaven, which is spiritual love, cannot flow in so long as the fire of hell, which is hatred, stands in the way and shuts it out.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1017 (original Latin 1759)

1017. "Talis terrae motus adeo magnus." - Quod significet ut non amplius ecclesia, constat ex illis quae huc usque in hoc capite de ecclesia, et prius de sola fide, quae hodie facit ecclesiam, dicta sunt.

(Continuatio de Septimo Praecepto.)

Quando homo abstinet ab odio, ac illud ut diabolicum aversatur et fugit, tunc influit per caelum a Domino amor, charitas, misericordia et clementia, et tunc primum opera quae facit sunt opera amoris et charitatis: opera quae prius fecerat, utcunque bona in externa forma apparuerint, fuerunt omnia opera amoris sui et mundi, in quibus latuit odium si non propterea remunerarentur. Quamdiu odium non remotum est, tamdiu homo est mere naturalis, et homo mere naturalis in omni malo hereditario manet, nec potest spiritualis fieri, antequam odium cum sua radice, quae est amor imperandi super omnes, remotum est; ignis enim caeli, qui est amor spiritualis, non potest influere, quamdiu ignis inferni, qui est odium, obstat et praecludit.

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