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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 103

103. And hast not fainted. That this signifies as far as they were able, is evident from the signification of not fainting when said of those who study the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good, as being, as far as they are able. For in what now follows, a life according to those knowledges is treated of. Those who live such a life advance farther, and do not faint but those who are as yet in knowledges alone, advance as far as they are able, not having as yet the light of life, whence comes vigour.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 103

103. And hast not failed, signifies so far as they could. This is evident from the signification of "not failing," in reference to those who are eager for the knowledges of truth and good, as being so far as they could; for in what now follows, a life according to these knowledges is treated of. Those who are in a life according to these go forward and do not fail; but those who are as yet in knowledges alone, go forward as far as they can, but do not yet have the light of life, from which is vigor.

Apocalypsis Explicata 103 (original Latin 1759)

103. "Et non defecisti." - Quod significet quousque potuerunt, constat ex significatione "non deficere", cum de illis qui student cognitionibus veri et boni, quod sit quantum possunt; agitur enim in nunc sequentibus de vita secundum illas: qui in vita secundum illas sunt, illi ultra vadunt, et non deficiunt; sed qui adhuc in solis cognitionibus sunt, illi progrediuntur quousque possunt, nec adhuc lucem vitae habent, ex qua vigor.

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