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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1064

1064. Five are fallen. That this signifies that it is not here spoken of the rest of the truths profaned, but only of the two which are the heads of religion, is evident from the signification of five are fallen, as denoting that the rest are not here treated of. For by five, in the Word, when it follows ten, is signified some persons or some things; also, the persons remaining, or the things remaining, and also few persons or few things. But when it does not follow ten, it signifies many persons or many things (concerning which signification of its number, see n. 548).

That by five are fallen is signified that it is not spoken of the rest, is evident also from these words which follow:

"One is, the other is not yet come; and when he shall come, he must continue a short space;"

this signifies that what is here said is concerning the two truths profaned, which are the heads of the rest. And, moreover, concerning the other in the verse following, in these words:

"And the beast which was, and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven;"

from which it is evident that, both by these and the former words, is signified that it is to be explained of those profaned truths alone, and not of the rest.

[2] Wherefore now by the five that are fallen are signified the rest [of the truths] of that religious persuasion that are profaned; for by these are meant five kings of the seven. And by seven kings are signified all the truths of the Word falsified and profaned by them, as may be seen just above (n. 1063). The two profaned truths, therefore, which are the heads of the rest, and are here treated of, are, that they have transferred to themselves the Lord's Divine power and have rejected the Word. The transferring of the Lord's Divine power to themselves is signified by the one king who is, and by the other who is to come; and their having rejected the Word, by the beast which is the eighth king, and yet among the seven.

Concerning the fifth kind of Profanation:-

[3] This kind is not like the rest treated of; for it consists in jesting from the Word and about the Word. For those who jest from the Word do not regard it as holy, and those who jest about the Word account it as worthless, when, notwithstanding, the Word is the very Divine truth of the Lord with men, and the Lord is present in the Word, and also heaven. For the particulars of the Word communicate with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord. Therefore to jest from the Word, and about the Word, is to sprinkle the holy things of heaven with the dust of the earth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1064

1064. The five have fallen, signifies that nothing is here said about the rest of the truths profaned, but only about the two that are the heads of religion. This is evident from the signification of "the five have fallen," as being that of the rest nothing is here said. For when five in the Word follows after ten it signifies some persons or things, or the remaining persons or things, or few persons or things; but when it does not follow after ten it signifies many persons or things. (On the signification of this number see n. 584.) That "the five have fallen" signifies that nothing is said of the rest is evident also from what follows, "The one is, and the other is not yet come, and when he is come he must continue a little while," which signifies that the two profaned truths that are the heads of the rest must here be spoken of; and of the other it is further said in the following verse, "And the beast that was and is not is himself an eighth king, and is of the seven;" from which it is evident that all this signifies that these profaned truths alone, and not the others, are here to be spoken of.

[2] Consequently the "five" that have fallen signify the remaining things of that religion that have been profaned, for five kings of the seven are meant, and the "seven kings" signify all the truths of the Word falsified and profaned by them (See just above, n. 1063). Therefore the two profaned truths here treated of, that are the heads of the rest, are that they have transferred to themselves the Lord's Divine authority, and that they have rejected the Word. The transferring of the Lord's Divine authority to themselves is signified by the "one king who is," and by "the other who is to come;" and their rejection of the Word by the "beast" that is the eighth king, and yet among the seven.

(Continuation respecting the Fifth Kind of Profanation)

[3] This kind is not like the others that have been treated of, for it consists in jesting from the Word and about the Word. For those who make jokes from the Word do not regard it as holy, and those who joke about it hold it in no esteem. And yet the Word is the very Divine truth of the Lord with men, and the Lord is present in the Word, and heaven also; for every particular of the Word communicates with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord; therefore to jest from the Word and about the Word is to bespatter the holy things of heaven with the dust of the earth.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1064 (original Latin 1759)

1064. "Quinque ceciderunt." - Quod significet quod de reliquis veris profanatis hic non dicatur, (sed) solum de binis quae sunt religionis capita, constat ex significatione "quinque ceciderunt", quod sit quod de reliquis hic non dicatur; per "quinque" enim in Verbo, dum sequuntur post decem, significantur aliqui aut aliqua, tum reliqui et reliqua, et quoque pauci vel pauca; at cum non sequuntur post decem, significant multos vel multa (de qua ejus numeri significatione videatur n. 548). Quod per "quinque ceciderunt", significetur quod de reliquis non dicatur, patet quoque a sequentibus his, "Unus est, alter nondum venit, et quando venerit, brevi illum oportet manere", per quae significatur quod de binis veris profanatis, quae sunt capita reliquorum, hic dicendum sit; et porro de altero in versu sequente his verbis, "Et bestia, quae erat et non est, et ipse octavus (rex) est, et de septem est"; ex quibus patet quod per haec et illa significetur, quod de illis solis veris profanatis dicendum sit et non de reliquis.

[2] Quare nunc per "quinque quae ceciderunt" significantur reliqua religiosi istius quae profanata, nam intelliguntur quinque reges de septem, et per "septem reges" significantur omnia vera Verbi falsificata et profanata ab illis (videatur mox supra, n. 1063). Bina itaque vera profanata, quae reliquorum capita sunt, de quibus hic agitur, sunt quod Divinam Domini potestatem in se transtulerint, et quod Verbum rejecerint. Quod Divinam Domini potestatem in se transtulerint, significatur per "regem unum qui est", et per "alterum qui venturus est"; ac quod Verbum rejecerint, per quod "bestia rex octavus sit, et tamen inter septem."


Hoc genus non est simile reliquis, de quibus actum est; est enim joculari ex Verbo et de Verbo; nam qui joculantur ex Verbo, illud non sanctum habent; et qui joculantur de Verbo, illud vile habent; cum tamen Verbum est ipsum Divinum Verum Domini apud homines, ac Dominus in Verbo est praesens, et quoque caelum; nam singula Verbi cum caelo communicant, et per caelum cum Domino: quare joculari ex Verbo et de Verbo est sancta caeli pulvere terrestri spargere.

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