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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1072

1072. (Verse 14) These shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them. That this signifies that they shall have a contest with those meant by the whore about the sanctity of the Word, and the Lord's power to save men; and that the Lord will rescue those who are willing to be led of him by means of the Word, and not by the woman, the whore - this is evident from the signification of fighting with the Lamb, as denoting to have contention about the sanctity of the Word, and about the power of the Lord to save men. For those who contend about these things fight with the Lord, but not against the Lord; for the Lord is the Word, and the Lord is salvation - and from the signification of, and the Lamb shall overcome them, as denoting that He shall rescue those who are willing to be instructed and led of Him by the Word. That these are they whom the Lord conquers, is evident from what follows in this verse, that those who are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

These are all in the kingdoms subject to the papal dominion who only call the Pope the Head of the Church, and not in such a sense a vicar as to put him in the place of the Lord in the world, with the power of opening and shutting heaven at will, because this power is Divine, which cannot be transferred to any man; also, that it is not allowable for the Pope to change the holy things of the Word, and issue new edicts that do not agree therewith. These are those here meant.

Continuation concerning the Word:-

[2] That the Word is holy and Divine from inmost to outmost, is not evident to the man who leads himself, but to the man whom the Lord leads. For the man who leads himself sees only the external of the Word, and judges of it from its style; but the man whom the Lord leads judges of the external of the Word from the holiness which is in it.

The Word is like a garden, which may be called a heavenly paradise, in which are dainties and delicacies of every kind; dainties from the fruits, and delicacies from the flowers; in the midst of which are trees of life, and near them fountains of living water. But round about are trees of the forest, and near them rivers. The man who leads himself judges of that paradise, which is the Word, from its circumference, where are the trees of the forest; but the man whom the Lord leads judges of it from the midst thereof, where are the trees of life. The man whom the Lord leads is actually in the midst of it and looks to the Lord; but the man who leads himself actually sits down in the circumference and looks outwards on the world.

[3] The Word is also like a fruit in which, inwardly, there is nutritious pulp, and in the midst of it seed-cases, in which is a prolific principle which germinates in good earth. The Word also is like a very beautiful infant wrapped up in swaddling clothes, all except the face, the infant being itself in the inmost heaven, the swaddling clothes in the lower heavens, and the general covering thereof on the earth. Because the Word is such, it is holy and Divine from inmost to outmost.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1072

1072. Verse 14. They shall fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, signifies that these must contend with those meant by "the harlot" respecting the holiness of the Word, and the Lord's power of saving men, and that the Lord has delivered those who have been willing to be led by Him by means of the Word, and not by the woman the harlot. This is evident from the signification of "fighting with the Lamb," as being to contend about the holiness of the Word and the power of the Lord to save men; for those who contend about these things fight with the Lord, but not against the Lord, for the Lord is the Word and the Lord is salvation. Also from the signification of "and the Lamb shall overcome them," as being that He will deliver those who are willing to be taught and led by Him by means of the Word. That such are those whom the Lord conquers is evident from what follows in this verse, that they are "those who are with Him, who are called, and chosen, and faithful." These are all such, in the kingdoms subject to the papal dominion, who call the Pope merely the head of the church, and not a vicar in any such sense as would put him in the place of the Lord in the world, as to the power of opening and shutting heaven at will, since that power is the Divine power that cannot be transferred to any man; and they also hold that it is not allowable for the Pope to change the holy things of the Word, and to issue new decrees that are not in harmony with it. These are the ones here meant.

(Continuation respecting the Word)

[2] That the Word is holy and Divine from inmosts to outermosts is not evident to the man who leads himself, but is evident to the man whom the Lord leads. For the man who leads himself sees only the external of the Word, and judges from its style; but the man whom the Lord leads judges of the external of the Word from the holiness that is in it. The Word is like a garden, that may be called a heavenly paradise, in which are dainties and delightful things of every kind, dainties from the fruits, and delightful things from the flowers; and in the middle of it trees of life, and near them fountains of living water, and round about trees of the forest, and near them rivers. The man who leads himself judges of that paradise, which is the Word, from its circumference, where the trees of the forest are; but the man whom the Lord leads judges of it from the middle of it, where the trees of life are. The man whom the Lord leads is actually in the middle of it, and looks to the Lord; but the man who leads himself actually sits down at the circumference, and looks away from it to the world.

[3] Again, the Word is like fruit within which there is a nutritious pulp, and in the middle of it seed vessels, in which inmostly is a living germ that germinates in good soil. Again, the Word is also like a most beautiful infant, which, except the face, is enveloped in wrappings upon wrappings; the infant itself is in the inmost heaven, the wrappings are in the lower heavens, and the general covering of the wrappings is on the earth. As the Word is such it is holy and Divine from inmosts to the externals.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1072 (original Latin 1759)

1072. (Vers. 14.) "Hi cum Agno pugnabunt, et Agnus vincet illos." - Quod significet quod litem habituri sint cum illis qui intelliguntur per "meretricem", de sanctitate Verbi, et potestate Domini ad salvandum homines; et quod Dominus exemerit illos qui ab Ipso per Verbum, et non a muliere meretrice, voluerunt duci, constat ex significatione "pugnare cum Agno", quod sit litem habere de sanctitate Verbi, et de potestate Domini ad salvandum homines; nam qui litem habent de illis, illi pugnant cum Domino, non vero contra Dominum; Dominus enim est Verbum, et Dominus est Salus: et ex significatione "et Agnus vincet illos", quod sit quod eximat illos qui ab Ipso per Verbum instrui et duci volunt; quod hi sint quos Dominus vincit, patet a sequentibus in hoc versu, quod sint "qui cum Ipso, vocati, et electi et fideles." Hi sunt omnes in regnis dominio papali subjectis, qui papam modo vocant caput ecclesiae, et non vicarium in eo sensu ut sit loco Domini in mundo quoad potestatem aperiendi et claudendi caelum ex arbitrio, quoniam potestas illa est potestas Divina quae non in aliquem hominem transcribi potest; tum quod papae non liceat immutare sancta Verbi, et nova non consentanea edicere. Hi sunt qui hic intelliguntur.

[2] (Continuatio de Verbo.)

Quod Verbum sit sanctum Divinum ab intimis ad extrema, non patet homini qui semet ducit, sed homini quem Dominus ducit; homo enim qui semet ducit, non videt nisi externum Verbi, et de eo ex stylo judicat; at homo quem Dominus ducit, de externo Verbi ex sancto, quod inibi est, judicat. Verbum est sicut hortus, qui paradisus caelestis vocandus est, in quo cupediae et deliciae omnis generis sunt, cupediae ex fructibus, ac deliciae ex floribus; in cujus medio sunt arbores vitae, juxta quas fontes aquae vivae; at circum circa sunt arbores silvae, juxta quas flumina: homo qui semet ducit, de paradiso illo, qui est Verbum, ex circuitu ejus, ubi sunt arbores silvae, judicat; at homo quem Dominus ducit, ex medio ejus, ubi sunt arbores vitae, judicat: homo, quem Dominus ducit, actualiter in medio ejus est, et spectat ad Dominum; at homo qui semet ducit, actualiter in circuitu ejus sedet, et spectat horsum ad mundum.

[3] Verbum est sicut fructus, in quo intus est caro nutriens, ac in medio ejus theca seminum, in quibus intime est prolificum, quod in terra bona egerminat. Et Verbum est sicut pulcherrimus infans, circumquaque, praeter faciem, fasciis super fasciis involutus; ipse infans est in caelo intimo, et fasciae in caelis inferioribus, ac commune involucrum fasciarum in terra. Quia Verbum est tale, est sanctum Divinum ab intimis ad externa.

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