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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1085

1085. And to come to one mind. That this signifies unanimously, is evident from the signification of coming to one mind, as denoting unanimously. For when by its being put into their hearts to execute the sentence on the whore, is signified that they should altogether withdraw from the profane things of Babylon, then by coming to one mind is signified unanimity therein.

That in this there is unanimity is evident from the Reformed, who are divided into three churches, one of which embraced the doctrine of Luther, another that of Calvin, and the third that of Melanchthon; but still all three have altogether withdrawn from the profanities of Babylon. This, therefore, is what is signified here by executing one sentence, as may be seen just above (n. 1084).

Continuation concerning the Word:-

[2] Because there are three senses in the Word, a natural, a spiritual, and a celestial, and because its natural sense, which is the literal sense, is the containant of the two senses, the spiritual and celestial, it follows that the literal sense of the Word is their basis. And because the angels of the three heavens receive their wisdom from the Lord by means of the Word with them, and their Words make one with our Word by correspondences, it also follows that the literal sense of our Word is the basis, support, and firmament of the wisdom of the angels of heaven. For the heavens subsist upon the human race, as a house upon its foundation; hence the wisdom of the angels of heaven, similarly, subsists upon the knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom of men, from the literal sense of the Word. For, as said above, by the literal sense of the Word communication and conjunction with the heavens are effected.

[3] Hence it is that it has come about of the Lord's Divine Providence that the Word as to the literal sense, from its first revelation, has not been mutilated, not even as to a word or even a letter in the original text; for every word is a support, and, in some degree, even a letter. From these things it is evident how profane it is to falsify the truths and adulterate the goods of the Word, and how infernal it is to deny or to weaken its sanctity. As soon as this is done, heaven is closed against that man of the church. The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which cannot be remitted is the blasphemy of the Word by those who deny its sanctity.

Because the Word is the basis of the heavens, and it was altogether falsified and adulterated by the Jewish nation by traditions and applications of the literal sense to favour their evil loves, therefore, lest the heavens should be endangered, and the wisdom of the angels there become foolishness, it pleased the Lord to descend from heaven and to put on the Human, and to become the Word, as is evident from John (1:14), and, thus, to restore the state of heaven.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1085

1085. And to do one mind, signifies unanimously. This is evident from the signification of "doing one mind," as being unanimously, for "it was given into their hearts to do the mind of the harlot" signifies that they should wholly withdraw from the profane things of Babylon; consequently "to do one mind" signifies unanimity in it. That there is unanimity in this is evident from the Reformed, who are divided into three churches, one of which has embraced the doctrine of Luther, another that of Calvin, and the third that of Melancthon; nevertheless all three have wholly withdrawn from the profane things of Babylon. This, therefore, is what is here signified by "doing one mind" (See just above, n. 1084.

(Continuation respecting the Word)

[2] As there are three senses in the Word, the natural, the spiritual, and the celestial, and as its natural sense, which is the sense of the letter, is a containant of the two senses, the spiritual and the celestial, it follows that the sense of the letter of the Word is the basis of those senses. And as the angels of the three heavens receive their wisdom from the Lord through the Word with them, and as their Words make one with our Word by correspondences, it also follows that the sense of the letter of our Word is the basis, support, and foundation of the wisdom of the angels of heaven. For the heavens rest upon the human race as a house rests upon its foundation; so the wisdom of the angels of heaven rests in like manner upon the knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom of men from the sense of the letter of the Word; for as has been said above, communication and conjunction with the heavens are effected through the sense of the letter of the Word. Thence it is, that of the Lord's Divine Providence it has come to pass, that the Word as to the sense of the letter from its first revelation has not been mutilated, 1not even as to an expression and letter in the original text, for every expression is a support, and in some measure the letters. From all this it is clear what a profanation it is to falsify the truths and adulterate the goods of the Word, and how infernal it is to deny or to weaken its holiness. As soon as that is done, for that man of the church heaven is closed. The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which cannot be forgiven, is the blasphemy of the Word by those who deny its holiness. Since the Word is the basis of the heavens, and since the Word has been wholly falsified and adulterated by the Jewish nation by traditions and by applications of the sense of the letter to favor their evil loves, lest the heavens should be endangered and the wisdom of the angels there should become foolishness, it has pleased the Lord to come down from heaven and to put on the Human and to become the Word (as is evident from Joh n John 1:14), and thus to restore the state of heaven.


1. Swedenborg wrote mutatum (changed), but crossed this out and wrote mutilatum (mutilated).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1085 (original Latin 1759)

1085. "Et facere unam sententiam." - Quod significet unanimiter, constat ex significatione "facere unam sententiam", quod sit unanimiter, nam cum per quod "datum sit in corda illorum facere sententiam meretricis, significatur quod prorsus recederent a profanis Babyloniae, inde per "facere unam sententiam" significatur unanimitas in eo. Quod in eo unanimitas sit, constat ex Reformatis, qui in tres ecclesias divisi sunt, quarum una amplexa est doctrinam ex Luthero, altera ex Calvino, et tertia ex Melanchthone, at usque omnes tres a profanis Babyloniae prorsus recesserunt: hoc itaque hic significatur per "facere unam sententiam." (Videatur etiam mox supra, n. 1084.)

[2] (Continuatio de Verbo.)

Quoniam tres sensus in Verbo sunt, naturalis, spiritualis et caelestis, et quoniam sensus naturalis ejus, qui est sensus litterae, continens est duorum sensuum, spiritualis et caelestis, sequitur quod sensus litterae Verbi sit basis illorum; et quoniam angeli trium caelorum sapientiam suam a Domino per Verbum apud illos recipiunt, et illorum verba unum faciunt cum nostro Verbo per correspondentias, etiam sequitur quod sensus litterae nostri Verbi sit basis, sustentaculum et firmamentum sapientiae angelorum caeli: subsistunt enim caeli super humano genere, sicut domus super suo fundamento; inde sapientia angelorum caeli similiter subsistit super scientia, intelligentia et sapientia hominum ex Verbi sensu litterae; nam ut supra dictum est, per sensum litterae Verbi fit communicatio et conjunctio cum caelis. Inde est, quod ex Divina providentia Domini factum sit quod Verbum quoad sensum litterae e prima ejus revelatione non 1

mutilatum sit, ne quidem ad vocem et litteram in textu originali, nam unaquaevis vox est fulcrum, et aliquantisper etiam littera. Ex his patet quam profanum sit falsificare Vera et adulterare bona Verbi, et quam infernale sit negare aut infirmare sanctitatem ejus; ut primum hoc fit, caelum pro illo homine ecclesiae clauditur: blasphemia contra Spiritum sanctum, quae non remitti potest, est blasphematio Verbi a negantibus sanctitatem ejus. Quoniam Verbum est basis caelorum, et illud a gente Judaica per traditiones et per applicationes sensus litterae ejus ad amores suos, prorsus falsificatum et adulteratum fuit, ideo ne periclitarentur caeli, et infatuaretur sapientia angelorum ibi, placuit Domino descendere e caelo, ac induere Humanum, et fieri Verbum (ut patet apud Johannem, cap. Johannem 1 vers. 14), et sic statum caeli restaurare.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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