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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1113

1113. Verse 6. Render unto her, even as she hath rendered unto you, and double unto her double according to her works; in the cup with which she hath mixed, mix unto her double.

"Render unto her even as she hath rendered unto you," signifies infernal punishment corresponding to their evil deeds; "and double unto her double according to her works," signifies much retribution in the measure that they have profaned good; "in the cup with which she hath mixed, mix unto her double," signifies retribution in proportion to the profanation of truth.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1113

1113. Verse 6. Render unto her even as she hath rendered unto you, and double unto her double according to her works; in the cup that she hath mingled mingle to her double.

6. "Render unto her even as she hath rendered unto you," signifies infernal punishment corresponding to their evil deeds (n. 1114); "and double unto her double according to her works," signifies as much retribution as they have profaned good (n. 1115); "in the cup that she hath mingled mingle to her double," signifies as much retribution as they have profaned truth (n. 1116).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1113 (original Latin 1759)

1113. VERSUS 6.

"Reddite illi quemadmodum illa reddidit vobis, et duplicate ei dupla secundum opera ejus, in poculo quo miscuit miscete illi duplum."

6. "Reddite illi quemadmodum illa reddidit vobis, significat poenam infernalem malefactis eorum correspondentem [n. 1114] ; "et duplicate ei dupla secundum opera ejus", significat retributionem multam sicut profanaverunt bonum [n. 1115] ; "in poculo quo miscuit miscete illi", significat retributionem quantum profanaverunt verum [n. 1116] .

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