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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1119

1119. So much give unto her torment and mourning.- That this signifies that they should have so much of infernal punishment and desolation, appears from the signification of torment, as denoting infernal punishment; and from the signification of mourning, as denoting desolation, which consists in their no longer possessing any truth and good, but merely falsity and evil. The reason why it is said that as much torment and mourning should be given her, as she hath glorified herself and lived delicately, is, that all torment or infernal punishment corresponds entirely to the evils in which they are. Those, therefore, who have glorified themselves much, and taken delight in the love of ruling over heaven and the church, and also, for the sake of that glory and its delights, have perverted the goods of heaven and of the church - which are the goods of the Word - have their lot in a hell more grievous in its torment. But those who have glorified themselves in a less degree, and taken less delight in such glorification, have their lot in a milder hell and those who have not glorified themselves, and have not thence perverted the goods and truths of heaven and of the church, which are from the Word, but have simply obeyed them either from ignorance or persuasion, have not their lot in hell. But the people who have no share in their dominion, particularly those who look to the Lord, and have some affection for truth, have their lot in the heavens, where they are taught by the angels. From these things it is evident, that here, where Babylon is treated of, no others are meant than those who exercise dominion from the delight which they find in the love of it for the sake of themselves.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed and concerning the Lord.- That God is Man and that the Lord is that Man, is clear from everything in the heavens, and beneath the heavens. In the heavens, all things that proceed from the Lord, in their greatest and in their smallest [components], are either in the human form, or have reference to the human form. The whole heaven is in the human form, every society of heaven is in the human form, every angel and also every spirit beneath the heavens are a human form. It has also been revealed to me, that all things, both the least and the greatest, that proceed immediately from the Lord, are in that form, for that which proceeds from God is a resemblance of Him; it is therefore said of Adam and Eve, that they were "created into the image and likeness of God" (Genesis 1:26, 27).

[3] It is for this reason also that the angels in the heavens, being recipients of the Divine which proceeds from the Lord, are men of astonishing beauty, while spirits in the hells, because they do not receive the Divine which proceeds from the Lord, are devils, who, in the light of heaven, appear not as men, but as monsters. It is owing to this fact that every one in the spiritual world is known from his human form in the degree in which he derives it from the Lord. It is now evident from these things, that the Lord is the only Man, and that every one is a man according to the reception of Divine Good and Divine Truth from Him. In a word, he who sees God as Man, sees God, because he sees the Lord. The Lord also says, "He who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, hath eternal life" (John 6:40). To see the Son is to see Him in the spirit, because this is said, also, to those who have not seen Him in the world.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1119

1119. So much torment and mourning give her, signifies so much of infernal punishment and desolation. This is evident from the signification of "torment," as being infernal punishment; also from the signification of "mourning," as being desolation, which is from their no longer having anything of truth or good, but mere falsity and evil. It is said that "as much torment and mourning should be given as she glorified herself and lived luxuriously," because all torment or infernal punishment corresponds exactly to the evils in which such persons are. Those, therefore, who have glorified themselves much and have taken delight in the love of having dominion over heaven and over the church, and for the sake of that glory and consequent delight have perverted the goods of heaven and the church which belong to the Word, have their lot in a hell more grievous in respect to torment; while those who have glorified and delighted themselves less in such things have their lot in a milder hell; and those who have not glorified themselves at all, and thus have not perverted the goods and truths of heaven and the church, which are from the Word, but have simply rendered obedience to them either ignorantly or from persuasion, do not have their lot in hell; and such people as have no part in dominion, especially those who look to the Lord and have some affection of truth, have their lot in the heavens, where they are taught by the angels. From all this it can be seen that here, where Babylon is treated of, only those are meant who exercise dominion from the delight of the love of it for the sake of self.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith and respecting the Lord)

[2] That God is Man and that the Lord is that Man is made evident by all things that are in the heavens and that are beneath the heavens. In the heavens all things that proceed from the Lord in greatest and in least things are either in the human form or have reference to the human form; the whole heaven is in the human form; every society of heaven is in the human form; every angel is in the human form; and also every spirit beneath the heavens; and it has been revealed to me that all things both least and greatest that proceed immediately from the Lord are in that form, for that which proceeds from God is an image of Him. This is why it is said of the man Adam and Eve:

That they were created into the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27).

[3] And for the same reason the angels in the heavens, because they are recipients of the Divine that proceeds from the Lord, are men of wonderful beauty, while the spirits in the hells, because they do not receive the Divine that proceeds from the Lord, are devils, and in the light of heaven they do not appear as men but as monsters. And on this account it is known in the spiritual world from one's human form how much he derives from the Lord. From all this it can be seen that the Lord is the only Man, and that everyone is a man according to his reception of Divine good and Divine truth from the Lord. In a word, he who sees God as Man sees God because he sees the Lord. And the Lord says:

He that seeth the Son and believeth in Him hath eternal life (John 6:40).

To see the Son is to see Him in spirit, for this is said also to those who did not see him in the world.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1119 (original Latin 1759)

1119. ~Tantum date illi cruciatum et luctum." - Quod significet tantum illis poenae infernalis et desolationis, constat ex significatione "cruciatus", quod sit poena infernalis; et ex significatione "luctus", quod sit desolatio, quae est quod nihil veri et boni illis sit amplius, sed mere falsum et malum. Quod dicatur quod "tantum cruciatus et luctus daretur, quantum glorificavit se ipsam et deliciata est", est quia omnis cruciatus seu poena infernalis prorsus correspondet malis in quibus sunt: quare illi qui multum se glorificaverunt et deliciati sunt in amore dominandi super caelum et super ecclesiam, et quoque propter illam gloriam et inde delicias perverterant bona caeli et ecclesiae, quae sunt Verbi, sortiuntur infernum quoad cruciatum gravius; qui autem minus se glorificaverunt ac deliciati sunt ex eo, illi sortiuntur infernum mitius; et qui nihil, et inde nihil perverterant bona et vera caeli et ecclesiae quae ex Verbo, sed modo obediverant illis vel ex ignorantia vel ex persuasione, non sortiuntur infernum: populus autem qui nullam partem in imperiis habet, praecipue qui spectant ad Dominum, et in aliqua affectione veri sunt, sortem in caelis habent, ubi ab angelis docentur. Ex his constare potest, quod hic, ubi de Babylone agitur, non alii intelligantur quam illi qui dominium ex jucundo amoris ejus propter se exercent.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana, et de Domino.)

Quod Deus sit Homo, et quod Dominus sit ille Homo, manifestant omnia quae in caelis sunt et quae sub caelis. In caelis omnia quae procedunt a Domino, in maximis et in minimis, vel in humana forma sunt, vel ad humanam formam se referunt; universum caelum in forma humana est, omnis societas caeli in forma humana est, unusquisque angelus est forma humana, et quoque unusquisque spiritus sub caelis: et mihi revelatum est quod omnia minima sicut maxima, quae immediate procedunt a Domino, in illa forma sint, nam quod a Deo procedit, est instar ejus. Inde est quod de homine Adamo et Eva dicatur,

Quod creati sint in imaginem et in similitudinem Dei (Genesis 1:26, 27).

[3] Inde quoque est quod angeli in caelis, quia sunt recipientes Divini quod procedit a Domino, sint homines stupenda pulchritudine; at spiritus in infernis, quia non recipiunt Divinum quod procedit a Domino, sint diaboli, qui in luce caeli non apparent ut homines, sed ut monstra. Ex eo est quod quisque in mundo spirituali noscatur ex humana ejus forma, quantum trahit a Domino. Ex his nunc constare potest quod Dominus sit solus Homo, et quod quisque sit homo secundum receptionem Divini Boni ac Divini Veri ab Ipso. In summa, qui videt Deum ut Hominem, is videt Deum, quia videt Dominum: dicit etiam Dominus,

"Qui videt Filium, et credit in Ipsum habet vitam aeternam" (Johannes 6:40);

"videre Filium" est videre Ipsum spiritu, quia dicitur etiam ad illos qui non viderunt Ipsum in mundo.

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