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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1147

1147. And of brass and iron.- That this signifies natural goods and truths, also profaned, is evident from the signification of brass, which denotes natural good (concerning which see above, n. 70); and from the signification of iron, which denotes natural truth (concerning which see above, n. 176). But because the things here adduced are those that belong to the natural man, it must be understood, that the Natural of man is threefold, Rational, Natural, and Sensual; the Rational is the highest, the Sensual is the lowest, and the Natural is the middle. The true Rational exists by influx from the spiritual world, the Sensual by influx from the natural world, and the intermediate Natural is either rational or sensual. That the Natural is threefold, is evident from men, who while they are in the world, are either rational, sensual, or intermediate. Their character is more particularly manifest from their perception of civil, moral, and spiritual laws. Those who from reason think, judge, and conclude well are rational; their thoughts are also elevated above material things. But those who are sensual think from and in material things, and what they utter from thought is from the memory. And because there are these two degrees, there is also an intermediate degree, which is called natural. Their respective characters may also be known from their understanding of the Word; those who are rational take from the sense of the letter those things that refer to doctrine, while the sensual remain in the letter only, and do not draw from it any conclusions of a more interior nature. The same are also known in the spiritual world, since natural men in the ultimate heaven have the same number of degrees; the ultimate there are the sensual, and the highest there are the rational; but of these we shall speak further elsewhere. That natural goods and truths, signified by iron and brass, have also been profaned by Babylon, is evident from their profanation of the sense of the letter of the Word, the sense of the letter of the Word being the natural sense.

[2] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed.- But on this subject we must also speak from experience. The angels of the higher heavens clearly feel and perceive that they have goods and truths from the Lord, and that they have nothing whatever of good and truth from themselves. When they are remitted into the state of their proprium, which is done occasionally, they also clearly feel and perceive that the evil and the falsity pertaining to their proprium, are from hell. Certain angels of the lowest heaven, not seeing that evil and falsity are from hell, because they had acknowledged in the world that they were in evils from their birth and from actual life, were conducted from one infernal society to another, in each of which, as long as they continued in it, they thought precisely like the devils there, and differently in each; they then thought contrary to goods and truths. They were told to think from themselves, that is in a different way, but they said, that they were quite unable to do so; they consequently understood that evils and falsities enter by influx from hell. The case is similar with many who believe and insist that life is in themselves. It sometimes also happens that the societies with which they are connected are removed from them; when this is the case, they are unable to think, will, speak, or act, but lie like little new-born infants. But as soon as they are restored to their own societies, they revive; for every one, whether man, spirit, or angel, is connected with societies, as to his affections and the thoughts originating in them, and he acts in unison with them. For this reason all are known, as to their quality, from the societies in which they are. From these things it is evident, that the quality of their life enters into them by influx from without.

[3] With regard to myself, I can testify, that for fifteen years I have clearly perceived that I have thought and willed nothing from myself (nec quicquam cogitarem et vellem), and that all evil and falsity entered by influx from infernal societies, but all good and truth from the Lord. Some spirits therefore observing this, said that I was not alive. I was permitted to reply that I was more alive than they were, because I was sensible of the influx of good and truth from the Lord, and saw and perceived the enlightenment; and that from the Lord, I perceived that evils and falsities are from hell, not only that evils originate there, but also from whom they proceed. I was also permitted to speak with these spirits to rebuke them, and to reject them together with their evils and falsities, and I was thus liberated from them. I have been further permitted to say, that now I know that I live, and that before I had not this knowledge. From these things I have been fully convinced, that all evil and falsity are from hell, and all good and truth, together with the perception of them, are from the Lord; and moreover, that I have freedom and thence perception as if from myself.

[4] That all evil and falsity are from hell, I have also been permitted to see with my own eyes. There appear over the hells, as it were, fires and clouds of smoke; the fires are evils, and the clouds of smoke are falsities; they continually exhale and ascend thence, and the spirits who dwell in the midst between heaven and hell are affected by them according to their loves.

It shall also be briefly stated how evil and falsity are able to flow forth from hell, although there is but one acting force, and that is the life which is God; this has also been revealed [to me]. There was uttered with a loud voice from heaven a truth from the Word which flowed down to hell, passing from one to another to the lowest hell. It was further heard that this truth was in its descent successively and gradually turned into falsity, and at length into a falsity of such a nature that it was altogether opposite to the truth, and it was then in the lowest hell. The reason why it was turned in this way was that every thing is received according to state and form; consequently this truth entering by influx into inverted forms, such as exist in hell, became successively inverted and changed into a falsity the opposite of truth. From this fact, also, the quality of hell was evident from the highest hell to the lowest; and further, that there is but one acting force, and that is the life which is the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1147

1147. Of brass and of iron signifies natural goods and truths also that have been profaned. This is evident from the signification of "brass," as being natural good (See n. 70; also from the signification of "iron," as being natural truth (See n. 176). But as what is here presented relates to the natural man, it is to be known that the natural of man is threefold-rational, natural, and sensual; the rational is the highest in it, the sensual is the lowest, and the natural is the middle. The genuine rational is from influx from the spiritual world, the sensual is from influx from the natural world, and the mediate natural is either of the rational or of the sensual. That the natural is threefold can be seen in men who while they are in the world are either rational or sensual or intermediate. Which of these they are is clear especially from their perception of civil, moral and spiritual laws. Those are rational who think, judge, and conclude well from reason, and the thoughts of such are raised above material things; but those who are sensual think from material things and in them, and what they speak from thought is only from the memory. As there are these two degrees, there is also an intermediate degree which is called the natural. What men are can be known also from their understanding of the Word. The rational draw from the sense of the letter such things as pertain to doctrine, while the sensual abide in the letter only and draw from it nothing more interior. The same distinctions exist in the spiritual world, since in the lowest heaven there are the same degrees of natural men; the lowest there are the sensual, and the highest the rational; but of these more will be said elsewhere. That natural goods and truths, which are signified by "iron and brass," have also been profaned by Babylon, is evident from the profanation of the sense of the letter of the Word by such; the sense of the letter of the Word is the natural sense.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith)

[2] On this subject also we will speak from experience. The angels of the higher heavens have a clear feeling and perception that their goods and truths are from the Lord, and that they have nothing at all of good and truth from themselves. And when they are let down into the state of their self [proprium] as is now and then done, they have a clear feeling and perception that the evil and falsity belonging to their self [proprium] they have from hell. Some angels of the lowest heaven, who did not comprehend that evil and falsity are from hell, because they had believed in the world that they were themselves in evils from birth and from actual life, were led through infernal societies from one to another, and in each one while they were in it they thought just as the devils there thought, and differently in the several societies, thinking in opposition to goods and truths. They were told to think from themselves, and thus otherwise, but they said that they were wholly unable to do so. In this way they were made to comprehend that evils and falsities flow in from hell. It is the same with many who believe and insist that they have life in themselves. Also it sometimes occurs that angels are separated from the societies with which they are connected, and when thus separated they are unable to think, will, speak, or act, but lie like newborn infants; but as soon as they are restored to their societies they revive. For everyone, man, spirit or angel, is connected as to his affections and thoughts therefrom with societies, and acts as one of them; and for this reason it is known what each one is from the society in which he is. All this makes clear that the quality of each one's life flows in from without.

[3] With regard to myself I can testify that for fifteen years I have clearly perceived that I have thought nothing and willed nothing of myself; also that every evil and falsity has flowed in from infernal societies, and that every good and truth has flowed in from the Lord. Some spirits reflecting upon this declared that I had no life. It was permitted me to reply, I am more alive than you are, since I feel the influx of good and truth from the Lord and see and perceive the enlightenment. I also perceive from the Lord that evils and falsities are from hell, and not only that this is so, but also from what spirits they come; and it has been granted me to speak with these, to rebuke them, and to reject them with their evils and falsities, and thus I was delivered from them. Furthermore, it was granted me to say that now I know that I live, and before I did not know it. From all this I have been fully convinced that every evil and falsity is from hell, and every good and truth, together with the perception of them, is from the Lord; and moreover, that I have freedom and thus perception as if from myself.

[4] Again, that every evil and falsity is from hell it has been granted me to see with my own eyes. Over the hells there is an appearance of fires and smoke; evils are fires and falsities are smoke. These are continually exhaled and rise up, and the spirits that dwell in the midst between heaven and hell are affected by them according to their love. It shall be told briefly how evil and falsity have power to flow forth from hell, when there exists only one acting force, which is the life that is God; this also has been revealed. There was uttered with a loud voice out of heaven a truth from the Word, which flowed down to hell and through it to its lowest part; and it was heard that this truth in its flowing down was successively and by degrees turned into falsity, and at length into such falsity as is wholly opposite to the truth; then it was in the lowest hell. It was so changed because everything is received according to the state and form; so truth flowing into inverted forms, such as are in hell, became successively inverted and changed into the falsity opposite to the truth. From this it is clear what hell is from top to bottom, also that there is but one acting force, which is the life that is the Lord.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1147 (original Latin 1759)

1147. " 1

Et aere et ferro." - Quod significet bona et vera naturalia etiam profanata, constat ex significatione "aeris", quod sit bonum naturale (de qua [supra] , n. 70); et ex significatine "ferri", quod sit verum naturale (de qua, n. 176). Sed quia talia hic adducuntur quae sunt naturalis hominis, sciendum est quod naturale hominis sit trinum, rationale, naturale et sensuale; rationale est supremum ibi, sensuale est infimum ibi, et naturale est medium; genuinum rationale est ex influxu e spirituali mundo, sensuale est ex influxu e naturali mundo, naturale medium est vel rationalis vel est sensualis. Quod trinum illud sit, constare potest ex hominibus, qui dum in mundo sunt vel rationales sunt, vel sensuales vel intermedii: ex perceptione legum civilium, moralium et spiritualium imprimis elucet quinam sunt; illi qui ex ratione bene cogitant, judicant et concludunt rationales sunt, hi quoque elevate supra materialia cogitant; illi autem qui sensuales sunt, cogitant ex materialibus et in illis, et quod ex cogitatione loquuntur est modo ex memoria; et quia illi bini gradus dantur, etiam datur intermedius, qui vocatur naturalis. Quales sunt etiam cognosci potest ex intellectu Verbi; rationales hauriunt ex sensu litterae talia quae sunt doctrinae; sensuales manent solum in littera, nec aliquid interius ex illa concludunt. Cognoscuntur etiam iidem in mundo spirituali, quoniam tot gradus naturalium hominum in caelo ultimo dantur; ultimi sunt sensuales, supremi ibi sunt rationales; sed de his plura alibi. Quod vera et bona naturalia, quae significantur per "ferrum et aes", a Babylone etiam profanata sint, patet a profanatione sensus litterae Verbi ibi; sensus litterae Verbi est naturalis.

[2] (Continuatio de Fide Athanasiana, et de Domino.)

Sed de hac re etiam loquendum est ab experientia. Angeli superiorum caelorum sentiunt et percipiunt manifeste quod bona et vera sint illis ex Domino, et quod prorsus nihil boni et veri sit illis ex se. Cum remittuntur in statum proprii sui, quod fit per vices, etiam sentiunt et percipiunt manifeste quod malum et falsum, quae sunt proprii illorum, sint illis ex inferno. Quidam angeli ex caelo infimo, non comprehendentes quod malum et falsum sint ex inferno, ex causa quia in mundo agnoverant quod ipsi essent in malis ex nativitate et ex actuali vita, perducti sunt in societates infernales ab una in alteram; in qualibet, dum ibi erant, cogitabant prorsus sicut cogitabant diaboli ibi, ac aliter in una quam in altera; cogitabant tunc contra bona et vera: dicebatur illis ut cogitarent ex se, ita aliter, sed respondebant quod nequaquam possent; inde comprehendebant quod mala et falsa ab inferno influerent. Simile fit cum multis qui credunt et instant quod vita sit in illis. Quandoque etiam fit quod societates, quibus alligati sunt, ab illis separentur; a quibus cum separati sunt, non possunt cogitare, nec velle, nec loqui, nec agere; jacent sicut infantes recens nati; ut primum vero remittuntur in societates suas, revivunt: unusquisque enim, tam homo quam spiritus et angelus, quoad suas affectiones et inde cogitationes, alligatus est societatibus, et cum illis unum agit; inde est quod omnes cognoscantur quales sunt, ex societatibus in quibus sunt. Ex his patet quod quale vitae in illos ab extra influat.

[3] Quod me attinet, testari possum quod per quindecim annos manifeste perceperim quod non quicquam cogitarem et vellem a me, tum quod omne malum et falsum influeret ex societatibus infernalibus, et quod omne bonum et verum ex Domino: quapropter aliqui spiritus id animadvertentes dicebant quod non vivam; quibus datum est respondere, quod plus vivam quam illi, quia sentio influxum boni et veri a Domino, ac video et percipio illustrationem; et quod ex Domino percipiam mala et falsa ab inferno, non modo quod mala inde sint, sed etiam a quibus, et quoque datum est loqui cum illis, reprehendere illos, ac rejicere illos cum malis et falsis suis, a quibus sic liberatus sum: et amplius dicere datum est quod nunc sciam quod vivam, ac prius non ita. Ex his plene convictus sum quod omne malum et falsum sit ex inferno, ac omne bonum et verum, una cum perceptione illorum, sit ex Domino; ac insuper quod liberum mihi esset, ac inde perceptio sicut a me.

[4] Quod ex inferno sit omne malum et falsum, etiam oculis meis datum est videre. Apparent super infernis sicut ignes et fumi; mala sunt ignes, et falsa sunt fumi; illi continue inde exhalantur et exsurgunt: ac spiritus qui in medio inter caelum et infernum commorantur, secundum amores suos ab illis afficiuntur. Paucis etiam dicetur quomodo malum et falsum possunt effluere ex inferno, cum non datur nisi quam una vis agens, quae est vita quae Deus; hoc quoque revelatum est: dictum est verum ex Verbo cum voce magna e caelo, quod defluxit ad infernum, ac per illud ad infimum ejus; et auditum est quod id verum in defluxu successive et per gradus verteretur in falsum, et tandem in tale falsum quod prorsus oppositum erat vero, et tunc erat in infimo inferno. Quod ita conversum fuerit, erat causa quia omne recipitur secundum statum et formam; inde verum in formas inversas, quales sunt in inferno, influens successive invertebatur et mutabatur in falsum vero oppositum. Ex eo quoque patuit quale est infernum a summo ad imum: tum quod non sit nisi quam una vis agens, quae est vita quae Dominus.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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