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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1161

1161. Verses 15, 16. The merchants of these things, who were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for fear of her torment, weeping and mourning, and saying, Woe, woe, that great city, clothed in fine linen, and crimson, and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stone, and pearls; for in one hour so great riches are devastated.

"The merchants of these things, who were made rich by her," signifies all those who gained honours and riches by that religion, and thereby the good things of wealth and position, which things are auspicious and magnificent; "shall stand afar off for fear of her torment," signifies while they were in externals from the dread of infernal punishments; "weeping and mourning," signifies grief of soul and heart. "And saying, Woe, woe, that great city," signifies lamentation over doctrine, and over religion; "clothed in fine linen, and crimson, and scarlet," signifies the appearance in externals as though it were from celestial and spiritual truth and good; "and adorned with gold, and precious stone, and pearls," signifies the appearance in externals as though it were from spiritual and natural truth and good; "for in one hour so great riches are devastated," signifies the loss of everything which they had gained, and by which they expected gain.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1161

1161. Verses 15-16. The merchants of these things who became rich by her shall stand afar off for fear of her torment, weeping and mourning; and saying, "Woe, woe, that great city, arrayed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and inwrought with gold, precious stone, and pearls. [English version, verse 17.] For in one hour were devastated so great riches."

15. "The merchants of these things who were made rich by her" signifies all those who gained from that religious persuasion honors and riches, and thus the good things of opulence and eminence, which are satisfying and grand (n. 1168).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1161 (original Latin 1759)

1161. VERSUS 15, 16.

"Mercatores horum, qui divites facti ab illa e longinquo stabunt propter timorem cruciatus ejus, flentes et lugentes. Et dicentes, Vae, vae, urbs illa magna, circumamicta bysso et purpura et coccino, et inaurata auro, lapide pretioso et margaritis, [B.A. 17] quia una hora devastatae sunt tantae divitiae."

15. "Mercatores horum, qui divites facti sunt ab illa", significat omnes illos qui ex religioso illo lucrati sunt honores et opes, et sic opulentiae et eminentiae bona, quae sunt fausta et magnifica [n. 1162] ; "e longinqino stabunt propter timorem cruciatus ejus", significat dum in externis erant ex formdine poenarum infernalium [n. 1163] ; "flentes et lugentes", significat dolorem animae et cordis [n. 1164] .

16. "Et dicentes, Vae, vae, urbs illa magna", significat lamentationem super doctrinam et super religiosum [n. 1165] ; "circumamicta bysso et purpura et coccino", significat apparentiam in externis sicut foret ex caelesti et spirituali vero et bono [n. 1166] ; "et inaurata auro, et lapide pretioso et margaritis", significat apparentiam in externis sicut foret ex vero et bono spirituali et naturali [n. 1167] ; [B.A. 17.] "quia una hora devastatae sunt tantae divitiae", significat exitiunt omnium quae lucrati sunt et per quae se lucraturos esse sperarunt [n. 1168] .

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