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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1169

1169. Verse 17.- And every pilot (gubernator), and all that are employed upon ships, and mariners, and as many as do work on the sea, stood afar off.

"And every pilot, and all those who are employed upon ships, and mariners, and as many as do work on the sea," signifies all who believed themselves to possess wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge (scientia), and had confirmed the falsities of doctrine and of that religion by reasonings from the natural man; "stood afar off," signifies that it is not so now in those things on account of fear.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1169

1169. Verse 17. And every pilot, and all that are employed on ships, and sailors, and as many as work at sea, stood afar off.

17. "And every pilot, and all that are employed on ships, and sailors, and as many as work at sea," signifies all that have believed themselves to be in wisdom, in intelligence, and in knowledge, and have confirmed the falsities of that doctrine and religious persuasion by reasonings from the natural man (n. 1170); "stood afar off" signifies not now in these things as before because of fear (n. 1171).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1169 (original Latin 1759)

1169. VERSUS 17.

"Et omnis gubernator, et omnis super navibus versans, et nautae, et quotquot mare operantur, e longinquo steterunt."

17. "Et omnia gubernator, et omnis super navibus versans, et nautae, et quotquot mare operantur", significat omnes qui in sapientia, in intelligentia et in scientia se creditaerunt esse, et falsa doctrinae et religiosi istius per ratiocinia ex naturali homine confirmaverunt [n. 1170] ; "e longinquo steterunt", significat nunc non ita in illis propter timorent [n. 1171] .

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