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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1184

1184. Verses 22, 23.- And the voice of harpers and musicians, and of pipers and trumpeters, shall be heard in thee no more; and no craftsman of whatsoever craft shall be found in thee any more; and the voice of the mill shall be heard in thee no more. And the light of a lamp shall shine in thee no more, and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard in thee no more; because thy merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by thy sorcery have all the nations been seduced.

"And the voice of harpers and musicians, and of pipers and trumpeters, shall be heard in thee no more," signifies interior and exterior joys no longer; "and no craftsman of whatsoever craft shall be found in thee any more," signifies no longer any wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge (scientia); "and the voice of the mill shall be heard in thee no more," signifies no longer any understanding of truth from the will of good. "And the light of a lamp shall shine in thee no more," signifies that there will be nothing of the truth of heaven and of the church; "and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard in thee no more," signifies no joy from the conjunction of good and truth; "because thy merchants were the great ones of the earth," signifies those who are in the exercise of dominion, and in the love and delight of it, and who have gained the highest honours and also the riches of the world; "because by thy sorcery have all the nations been seduced," signifies that by wicked arts and persuasions they compelled all the simple good to believe and do those things which result in their opulence and dominion.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1184

1184. Verses 22-23. And the voice of harpers and musicians and pipers and trumpeters shall not be heard in thee any more; and no craftsman of whatsoever craft shall be found in thee any more; and the voice of a millstone shall not be heard in thee any more. And the light of a lamp shall not shine in thee any more; and the voice of bridegroom and of bride shall not be heard in thee any more; because thy merchants were the great men of the earth, because by thy sorcery have all nations been seduced.

22. "And the voice of harpers and musicians and pipers and trumpeters shall not be heard in thee any more," signifies no more any interior or exterior joys (n. 1185); "and no craftsman of whatsoever craft shall be found in thee any more," signifies no more any wisdom, intelligence, or knowledge (n. 1186); "and the voice of a millstone shall not be heard in thee any more," signifies no more any understanding of truth from the will of good (n. 1187).

23. "And the light of a lamp shall not shine in thee any more," signifies nothing of the truth of heaven and of the church (n. 1188); "and the voice of bridegroom and of bride shall not be heard in thee any more," signifies no joy from the conjunction of good and truth (n. 1189); "because thy merchants were the great men of the earth," signifies those who are in dominion and in its love and delight, and who have gained the chief honors of the world and the riches of the world (n. 1190); "because by thy sorcery have all nations been seduced," signifies that by their wicked arts and persuasions they compelled all the well disposed to believe and to do those things from which they have gained dominion and wealth (n. 1191).

Apocalypsis Explicata 1184 (original Latin 1759)

1184. VERSUS 22, 23.

"Et vox citharaedorum et musicorum et tibicinum et buccinatorum non audietur in te amplius; et omnis artifex omnis artis non invenietur in te amplius, et vox molae non audietur in te amplius. Et lux lucernae non lucebit in te amplius; et vox sponsi et sponsae non audietur in te amplius; quia mercatores tui erant magnates terrae, quid veneficio tuo seductae sunt omnes gentes."

22. "Et vox citharaedorum et musicorum et tibicinum et buccinatorum non audietur in te amplius", significat nulla amplius gaudia interiora et exterior" [n. 1185] ; "et omnis artifex omnis artis non invenietur in te amplius", significat quod nulla amplius sapientia, intelligentia et scientia [n. 1186] ; "et vox molae non audietur in te amplius", significat quod non aliquis intellectus veri ex voluntate boni [n. 1187] .

23. "Et lux lucernae non lucebit in te amplius", significat quod nihil veri caeli et ecclesiae [n. 1188] ; "et vox sponsi et sponsae non audietur in te amplius", significat quod non aliquod gaudium ex conjunctione boni et veri [n. 1189] ; "quia mercatores tui erant magnates terrae", significat illos qui in dominatione et in ejus amore et jucundo sunt, ac lucrati sunt in mundo summos honores et quoque mundi opes [n. 1190] ; "quia veneficio tuo seductae sunt omnes gentes", significat quod illi per nefandas artes et persuasiones adegerint omnes probos ad credendum et ad faciendum ea, ex quibus illis dominatio et opulentia [n. 1191] .

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